Baja (General Athletics) Winter 2024 - Aly's Story
January 11, 2024

Visiting our brothers and sisters in Mexico is always a humbling experience.
However, trying to sum up the week might be the most humbling part of all. I am so
honored to share our visit with you, but the hard part is that it’s not solely “our
visit”. It’s the Lord’s first of all, it’s for us 25, the people of Mexico’s, it’s yours who
read this, and the others we will share with. So how can I tell it all? How can I put to
words what the Lord did emotionally, spiritually, relationally, and behind closed
doors? Some of these stories I may never know and will continue past my lifetime.
How beautiful it is that He created it this way.
First, there are parents, friends, family and staff members who lost sleep praying for
us. We are surrounded by generous people who supported monetarily and gave
their time to us. Each member had someone encourage and love on them along the
way. Lipscomb staff and our leaders have prepped since the summer and while on
the ground for each day. These acts of service are just as much a work of the Lord.
We thank you tremendously for your actions and belief in us. We see the Lord
through you and it blows us away.
On our last night together in Baja, our team made an Ebenezer, or stones of
remembrance based out of Scripture in Joshua 4. We wrote memories and verses on
the rocks but mostly what we learned about the character of God. Here’s a glimpse
of what was said:
Our God is a God of generations.
God answers prayers.
He calms anxiety, fears and doubts.
He provides and satisfies.
He is a God of renewal.
Our God is multi-cultural.
God is full of love.
He offers freedom.
He plants seeds and grows roots.
God is intentional.
He is with our families while we are away.
He is way bigger than we tend to think.
God seeks our hearts and says “come to me.”

God sought out Liza and she was baptized on the beach. Allena and Ana’s hearts
were refreshed as the Lord brought them back to a place of beginning. He saw each
of the men as they were vulnerable in small group time. He gave me a heart for
Mexico and equipped me with the gift of language. I’ve never seen Lydia and Kaylee
more alive! The Lord individually saw what Andy, Brady, Ben and Klotzy needed and
met them on a mountaintop. The Lord graced Mackenzie and Grace O. with humility and joy to love his children well. The Lord saw Gillian and brought her from Florida.
The Lord saw Avery and Carly and knew we would need their humor and singing.
The Lord showed Grace M. and Megan what it means to live freely. God gave Addi a
heart for people and deep connection. The Lord called on Ellie and Abby to show
them something new. The Spirit is working in Pilar and Panfilo so that strong roots
will be planted. God saw each child, parent and pastor we encountered. There is
more that I wish I had space to share, and some stories that will stay in Baja. The
best part though, is that God sought out Lipscomb University Athletics and Baja
Missions because He specifically knew we would serve each other well.
We leave with an Ebenezer but also with emotions and memories that are raw. Our
team already has plans to continue to meet up and pray for each other. I ask that you
would continue to pray with us. The mission is not just in Baja but is daily,
EVERYWHERE. We are proud to help build the Kingdom of God in the classes we
will attend and through the sports we play, relying on the Spirit and what we
learned this week.
Happy New Year! We love you!

Not a Trip
Category: Student Life