Create Solutions. Impact Lives.
Working together to achieve bold, courageous action for the common good is lost today in the noise of uncivil discourse and polarization, not just in Washington D.C. and not just in government. Action has been replaced with gridlock, and trust in established institutions is at an all-time low. Challenges are more complex and new models for political and community change are required. But things can change—with a college for those who aspire to help shape and practice a different approach to leadership and public service.
You see the challenges that we face in our communities and our world and you want to do something to make a difference. But you know that passion is not enough. We are here to help.

Graduate Programs
The School of Public Policy offers a Master's in Leadership and Public Service and a Master of Public Administration (MPA). Through faculty experts and coursework designed with Tennessee in mind, you will have practical learning experiences that will push you will build your portfolios and networks to propel you in your career goals.