School of Music Academic Programs
Recognizing that music is an integral part of a liberal arts education, we provide:
- innovative instruction for students pursuing careers in traditional and non-traditional music fields,
- engaging opportunities for each university student to participate in rich and varied musical experiences,
- enriching events for the university and larger community to experience music through concerts and collaborative workshops, and
- valuable resources for church music ministries.
We're glad that you're interested in our department and its programs. As a student choosing to pursue either a major or minor in music at Lipscomb University, you will be required to complete a performance audition.
If you have any questions, please call the School of Music at 1.800.333.4358. ext. 5932 or email us at music [at] (music[at]lipscomb[dot]edu).
Degree Programs
Music is a diverse, exhilarating field. So, put yourself in Nashville—Music City—and get a head start on your musical career. No matter what you want to do with music, our outstanding faculty will support you every step of the way. The size of our program guarantees access to guest artists and excellent resources. We'll connect you to internships and help you network. Scholars, musicians, and entrepreneurs who have a heart for mentoring lead our small classes and ensembles — they’re ready to help you develop your unique gifts and abilities into a career where you can work and serve.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree includes 50-65 credit hours in music study with flexibility to take music electives in performance or academic study. Students in this degree have the freedom to focus on individual interest in classical traditions, commercial music, and worship arts.
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree includes approximately 50 hours of music study and 48 hours of science. Students in this degree blend their passion for the arts with their interest in the research sciences.
Bachelor of Music (B.M.) degrees include 70+ hours of music study with significant requirements in performance through ensembles and private lessons. Students in these degrees are working toward full-time employment as a performing musician, artist, or music educator.

Commercial Music: Songwriting or Production B.M.
Spend extended time with Music City professionals learning about the ins and outs of contemporary music and develop your unique gifts in songwriting and production through: small classes, excellent facilities and resources, and top-notch faculty. As you work through our specialized courses, you will also gain valuable training in areas like entrepreneurship, marketing, and basic technical fluency. You will continue to develop your musicianship skills in core classes, private lessons, and ensemble performance. Each major in this program will complete two internships working for leaders in the field.
Commercial Music: Songwriting or Production
Music B.A.
Pursue your passion for music with our Bachelor of Arts degree. This is a degree we designed for those seeking to blend together many of the offerings in the School of Music. Whether your goal is an entrepreneurial arts career, finding success as a film composer or pursing graduate music study, you'll receive private lessons in your primary performance area, perform with our ensembles, and have the option for lessons in another area as well. Your musicianship core directed electives can be focused in music theory, music history, performance, or creative study or you can simply choose to take a few courses in all areas towards your goal of becoming a well rounded musician. Thirteen hours of additional music electives can come from commercial music, music industry studies, worship arts, music ensembles, or advanced studies in performance. Customized capstone projects are based on student interests and range from traditional recitals and film compositions to research projects and commercial EPs. While a strong musicianship core is important, the degree emphasis is flexibility.
Music B.A.
Music Performance B.M.
The B.M. degree in performance is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in performance, prepare for graduate study, perform in studio sessions, or who plan to be independent studio teachers. This program offers the flexibility in courses for those interested in classical music to pursue a more traditional track; students interested in commercial performance may take courses in songwriting, production, and entrepreneurship; or students may create their own hybrid degree. There are many elective courses available in pedagogy, theory, entrepreneurship, music history, music literature, production, and songwriting. The academic advisor will mentor students through these choices to help each student achieve their career goals. You'll gain experience as you perform as a soloist and prepare junior and senior recitals. You'll grow during auditions, competitions and workshops. Once you've earned your degree, you'll be ready to open your own teaching studio, start your performance career or move on to graduate study.
Performance B.M.
Music Education B.M.
Prepare yourself to teach others about your passion for music. Our Bachelor of Music in Music Education leads to K-12 licensure in Tennessee — which is transferable to other states. So let us prepare you to teach in vocal/general or instrumental music. Guided by experienced teaching faculty in the College of Education, you'll learn how to plan and install classroom lessons and gain experience working and observing in public schools. You'll practice teaching and rehearsing with performance ensembles during your entire academic career. Students in this program will be involved in practicums in all levels including elementary, middle and high school.
Music Education B.M.
Music B.S.
The Bachelor of Science degree in music is paired with math/science courses that prepare students for a professional program in the sciences. The degree includes courses in mathematics and science and prepares students for the MCAT exam at the end of the junior or senior year. You may choose music elective hours in commercial music, worship arts, music ensembles, or advanced studies in performance.
Music B.S.
Worship Arts B.A.
Whether your dream is to lead worship at a local church, write and record worship music or serve on a technical team, Lipscomb’s B.A. in Worship Arts is designed to train students to craft and lead powerful, authentic worship experiences. Majors will take courses in both the School of Music and the College of Bible and Ministry in a curriculum that has been carefully designed to prepare students spiritually and musically to be authentic worshipers and effective leaders.
Worship Arts B.A.
Music Industry Studies B.A.
Our experiential, mentor-based approach includes holistic, collaborative training in the arts. You'll learn how Nashville’s music business functions in the context of its boisterous entertainment and hospitality industry. Come and learn the music industry in Music City.
Music Industry Studies B.A.