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Employee Information

Report an Incident

The Title IX Office responds to all reports of sexual misconduct for university employees. If you are an employee of Lipscomb and have experienced an incident of sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence and stalking) you are encouraged to file a Title IX report. Filing a Title IX report ensures that we can provide the proper supports and provide you with information on the options you have to move forward. You are not required to file a Formal Complaint and we will keep your information as private as possible.  

Incident Report Form

Reporting Responsibilities

Under the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy any employee:

  • Who has the authority to take action to redress sexual misconduct, which the Institution has designated as including the Provost, the Vice President of Student Life and the Vice President of Human Resources
  • Who works in the Institution’s Office of Security and Safety
  • Who has significant responsibility for student campus activities, which the Institution has designated as Resident Assistants, Residence Hall Directors and the Dean of Housing and Residence Life
  • Who has been designated as a Title IX Coordinator

Are considered Responsible Employees, therefore must promptly share any report of sexual misconduct with the Title IX Coordinator. Any Responsible Employee who becomes aware of any alleged act of sexual misconduct and fails to report promptly to the Title IX Coordinator may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment. 

Confidential employees: University employees who are not mandated reporters (maintain confidentiality) include Health Center medical staff, clinical counseling staff and campus ministers in the Office of Spiritual Formation.

Even if you are not considered a Responsible Employee, you are still highly encouraged to share reports of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Office. Staff and faculty members can directly impact sexual misconduct prevention on our campus by reporting. Often times a student will disclose sexual misconduct to a trusted staff or faculty member. It is up to you to continue serving the student and future students by allowing Lipscomb to take appropriate action to prevent future incidents and provide support. 

How to Help a Student or Colleague

If a student or colleague discloses an incident of sexual misconduct to you, if you become aware of an incident of sexual misconduct or if you witness an incident of sexual misconduct you can help. 

First, let’s define sexual misconduct as defined in the Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy: sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, domestic violence or stalking. This includes unwelcome conduct such as comments or gestures, cyberstalking, relationships of unbalanced power, verbal or emotional abuse and controlling behavior. 

You can help by listening. You can help by speaking out against the sexual misconduct. You can help by connecting them to resources for support. You can help by encouraging they submit a report to the Title IX Office. You can help by contacting the Title IX Office.

If you are acting as a Responsible Employee, let the individual know that you will contact the Title IX Office on their behalf. You are encouraged to contact us by submitting an incident report form (link to form) or titleix [at] (email us.) Let the person know that the Title IX Office will contact them to provide support and resources. Reassure them that they can choose to proceed with the Title IX office or not – it is not mandatory. It may also be beneficial to remind them of the amnesty and privacy policies if appropriate. 

Additionally, you may be contacted by the Title IX Office requesting implementation of Supportive Measures on behalf of a student or employee who is under your supervision.

Supportive Measures that may be provided to students or employees include:

  • Access to counseling services and assistance in setting up initial appointments, both on or off campus; 
  • Imposition of a campus no-contact order or mutual restrictions on contact between the parties; 
  • Extension of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, including rescheduling of exams and assignments; 
  • Providing alternative course completion options; 
  • A change in class schedule or transferring sections, including the ability to drop a course without penalty; 
  • A change in work schedule or job assignment;
  • A change in a student’s Institution-owned residence; 
  • Assistance from Institution staff in completing residence relocation; 
  • Relocation of office space; 
  • Limiting an individual or organization’s access to certain Institution facilities or activities pending resolution of the matter; 
  • A voluntary leave of absence; 
  • Providing an escort to ensure safe movement between classes, buildings or activities; 
  • Providing medical services through health center resources;
  • Providing academic support services; 
  • Increasing security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus; 
  • Any other remedy that can be tailored to the involved individuals to achieve the goal of this policy without unreasonably burdening the other party.