Vocation explores the expression of your calling.
What should I do? This question is perhaps the one you’ve asked yourself most frequently during college as you try to choose the right major to chart a career path that will shape your life.
Ideally, vocation is your chosen engagement in the world as an expression of your identity and purpose. It is the context through which you pursue your calling. Whereas your identity and purpose are unchanging, vocation is flexible to meet the changing needs of the world and the circumstances of your life.
The way you use your gifts can look different over time. So, while choosing a major is important, it’s just as important to think about how to use your gifts and talents to make a difference in the world around you.
Faith + Work Fellowships and service opportunities will help you better understand how to use your gifts through spiritual formation opportunities and an examination of cross-cultural engagement and reconciliation.
What opportunities are available and how can I prepare for them?
- LUEG Course
- Career Exploration
- Specialized Service Internships
- Learn Day Field Trips
Portfolio (Required)
- LUEG Assignment 1
- 5th Bible Course Elective 1
Badge (Optional)
- Complete service internship
- Complete explorations with Career Services
What do my gifts and strengths reveal about my future and how can I develop them?
Gifts workshops
Portfolio (Required)
LUEG Assignment 2
Badge (Optional)
Complete workshop
What could my work look like if it contributed to human flourishing?
- Service within Discipline
- "As Mission" Fellowship
- "As Mission" Minor
- 5th Bible Course
- Opportunities to Participate in Reconciliation/Justice
Portfolio (Required)
- LUEG Assignment 3
- 5th Bible Course Elective 2
Badge (Optional)
- Earn service hours
- Complete Fellowship
- Complete Minor
What kind of outcomes do I want to see in my field and how can I prepare?
- Faith + Work Fellows Program
- Strengths Workshops
Badge (Optional)
- Complete Fellows Program
- Complete workshop
What am I hearing?
Vocation Retreat
Badge (Optional)
Attend retreat