Real-world business acumen delivered inside the classroom
The newest generation of businesspeople today will have to tackle day-to-day challenges different and often more crucial than any generation before them. One of the chief ways they gain the experience and confidence needed is through the insight and mentorship of Lipscomb’s seven in-residence faculty, longtime business titans who share their real-world solutions to students inside and outside of the classroom.
These business leaders each provide a unique perspective, earned through a lifetime of successful business practice, to students through guest lectures, involvement in global learning trips, mentorship and work on advisory committees. They bring decades of experience in IT, human resources, nonprofit management, corporate turnarounds, supply chain management, accounting, trans-cultural learning, quality assurance and C-suite management to Lipscomb's students.

Kevin Monroe
Retired Deloitte Partner and Professional Practice Director and Chair of the Tennessee State Board of Accountancy
"For me, (joining the in-residence faculty) was a way to pay it forward. A way to try and keep the profession strong and to encourage bright students to think about entering the profession."

Sue Nokes
Retired senior executive at Asurion, T-Mobile and Walmart.com among others.
"It's when things aren't going your way that you can really tell about your character. Do you lean in and look for solutions? That's when you can tell what a person is made of."

Burt Nowers
CEO-in-Residence for the Center for Business as Missions
Former co-founder and CFO of AIM Healthcare and retired President of Healing Hands International
"We have to think about the impact...As Americans, we have a huge impact everywhere we go. So we need to make sure it is a positive impact. Even with my business background, I probably didn't appreciate all that until I went over to Healing Hands."

Phil Pfeffer
President and CEO of Treemont Capital Inc. and retired CEO of the Ingram Distribution Group Inc. and Random House Inc.
"I'm glad I get to be a part of (global learning). I enjoy leading the discussion about what we learned and what we know now that we didn't before. I like getting personally engaged with students...As the CEO-in-Residence, I can be a resource for them, and they can have an open conversation with me."

Greg Sandfort
Former President & CEO, Tractor Supply Company
"I have always enjoyed sharing my many years of learning with students and young executives in an effort to help them avoid the mistakes that I made early in my business career. I believe that anything I can share with them will shorten the learning curve and is a win for everyone!"

Ernesto Silva
Retired CEO of Coca-Cola FEMSA, Mexico Division
"(Students) have to change their mindset...and to know how to deal with persons of other countries and cultures and languages. They need to...learn new languages and to be ready to learn how to read body language. They have to be ready to interact with people who may not be very friendly."

John Weisenseel
Former SVP & CFO of AllianceBernstein and Standard & Poor's
"This opportunity to mentor and engage with students is very appealing to me, and hopefully the lessons that I have learned in my career will be beneficial to them as they prepare for their own careers. I think I can add value in terms of my background in financial markets and the global experience with a very large international organization."
In today’s complex business environment, business education must embody the interaction of academic and professional engagement in a meaningful way. Combining some of the best minds in business to interact with our faculty, staff and students is essential to reach our goal to be a national leader in Christian business education. — Dean, Ray Eldridge