Saba Spring Break 2024 - Nancy Caroline's Story
March 21, 2024

Going into this spring break there were a whole lot of unknowns. Much like there was 20 years ago when the first spring break team ever stepped foot on the island. There was a fear of how we would be received and if we would be welcomed back with open arms. Four years is a long time when it comes to the growth of children and families, so coming back after that period was to be difficult.
Waking up Saturday morning to the beautiful island was all worth the sleepless night the day before. That day we canvassed the island passing out flyers to tell of what the week ahead had in store. That night all the fears we had were put to ease when our ‘We’re Back Bonfire’ went better than anyone could have imagined.
We spent Sunday in communion as a team and with some locals. And used the afternoon to prepare our heads and hearts for the days ahead. And oh what a blessing it was about to be.
Monday morning started early with a crow of a rooster to wake us all to the full day ahead. We joined both schools in their Monday morning assemblies to learn more about their week and also to tell them a little bit about ours. The day consisted of meeting every kid through recess and class time, to start forming the relationships that would grow deep throughout the week.

Tuesday through Friday were much all the same beginning with a paint crew who decorated the walls of Sacred Heart School with beautiful murals and words of encouragement. A group leading songs and dances, along with a short talk to the daycare. Joined in on recess and break times of both schools, to meet each kid where they’re at in their lives. Followed by classes for all ages talking about the ‘RETURN’ of friendship, family, and faith. After each day in the schools, we spent the afternoon and evenings bringing families and children together with events for all ages. Things like Jello Wars, Family Games, NBA Night, and so much more. Each night was finished off with a devotional time, open to everyone, to settle our minds back to the reason we are all here.
As the week came to a close each team member was given time to explore the top of the mountain and the depths of the sea. Rounding off our events with the ‘RETURN’ of Lipscomb vs. Saba dodgeball, but make it glow in the dark. With teary eyes and heavy hearts from the goodbyes and a fulfilling week behind us, we sat down with many locals to the last of our devotionals.
With a couple of days of reflection, my heart is so happy. The past week was filled with so much love. So much laughter. Filled with strangers who joined a family of so many team members before them. The week behind us was one that from the beginning was filled with fear but now at the end was such a blessing.
As a team, returners and newcomers, we were welcomed back on The Unspoiled Queen with open arms ready to learn and play. Ready to build lasting friendships and bonds. And this time these relationships won’t have to take such a leave of absence, until March 2025, Saba! See you then!
Nancy Caroline Thomas
Not a Trip