Play therapy has the unique ability to give meaning where words fail.
Since 2015, Lipscomb has held the distinction of being recognized as one of only a few dozen Approved Centers of Play Therapy Education in the world approved by the Association for Play Therapy. Learn more.
Through an educational environment characterized by academic excellence and Christian faith, the Lipscomb University Center for Play Therapy and Expressive Arts seeks to contribute to the advancement of play therapy by offering students and practitioners high quality training and supervision. Our faculty are Registered Play Therapists with extensive experience in practicing play therapy, supervising play therapists-in-training, and researching the clinical effectiveness of play therapy.
Sometimes, it's very difficult to wrap words around painful experiences for adults, too. Sometimes, it's impossible. So play therapy offers a creative way to deeply healing work. — Dr. Denis' Thomas, Founding Director
During our workshops, mental health professionals learn how to utilize the therapeutic powers of play with clients across the lifespan. In play therapy, children use play to learn about themselves, others, and the world; process their emotions; and develop new skills. Just as adults talk about their experiences, children play to express themselves. Through expressive arts therapy, adolescents and adults use expressive mediums such as sandtray, art, writing, and music to more deeply express their thoughts and feelings. Expressive arts therapy allows clients alternate means for communicating when talk therapy is limiting.
Lipscomb University's Department of Psychology, Counseling, & Family Science is proud to offer graduate students the opportunity to specialize in play therapy. A play therapy specialization is available to those who pursue the Master of Science (MS) in Clinical Mental Health Counseling or the Master of Marriage and Family Therapy (MMFT). The play therapy specialization is structured to provide students with foundational knowledge, clinical experience, and preparation to become a Registered Play Therapist (RPT) through the Association for Play Therapy.
Learn more.
CMHC Specialization in Play Therapy MFT Specialization in Play Therapy
Professional Workshops
Sandtray and Expressive Arts Therapy
Lipscomb University Center for Play Therapy & Expressive Arts Presents:
Sandtray and Expressive Arts Spring Conference
This highly experiential training is designed for mental health professionals and graduate students interested in learning how to incorporate the therapeutic powers of play into counseling with teenagers and adults.
Participants will be introduced to materials and protocols for facilitating sandtray and expressive art sessions along with multiple opportunities for hands-on practice.
- Day 1 will cover an Introduction to Sandtray and Expressive Arts and provide participants with foundational knowledge of facilitating sandtray and other expressive art approaches in play therapy with teenagers and adults. This training is ideal for participants with no prior training in sandtray therapy, expressive arts, or play therapy.
- Day 2 will provide an exploration of how to utilize the therapeutic powers of play and music in counseling with teenagers and adults. This workshop is designed for participants who have had some prior training in integrating play or expressive arts into counseling, which could include participation in Day 1. During lunch on Day 2, Lipscomb Clinical Mental Health Counseling Alumni are invited to join us for a casual time of re-connection. We will provide lunch, or you are welcome to bring your own if you have specific dietary needs.
- Day 1: Introduction to Sandtray and Expressive Arts - February 7, 2025 from 9:00am-5:00pm
- Day 2: Utilizing Music in Play Therapy with Teenagers and Adults - February 8, 2025 from 9:00am-5:00pm
Location: Ezell Boardroom, located on the ground floor of Ezell Center (#2 on campus map)
Event Details
Day 1 & 2:
- Professionals: $175 per day
- Lipscomb Alumni: $125 per day
- Graduate Students: $50 per day
Registration will be available until January 24, 2025, or until full capacity has been reached. Space is limited.
All registration fees directly support the Center for Play Therapy and Expressive Arts and enable us to accomplish our mission of advancing the field of play therapy by hosting high quality workshops, providing clinical supervision to play therapists-in-training, conducting research, and creating a community of mental health professionals who value the power of play across the lifespan.
Continuing Education:
Up to 12 Live In-Person Contact CEs (6 for Friday & 6 for Saturday) approved by NBCC and APT
APT Approved Provider # 15-409
NBCC ACEP # 4585
Lipscomb University, Department of Psychology, Counseling, and Family Science has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 4585. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Lipscomb University, Department of Psychology, Counseling, and Family Science is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Daily Schedule:
Day 1 & 2:
8:30 - 9:00 - Check-In (onsite registration not available)
9:00 - 10:30 - Instructional Time
10:30 - 10:45 - BREAK
10:45 - 12:15 - Instructional Time
12:15 - 1:45 - LUNCH
1:45 - 3:15 - Instructional Time
3:15 - 3:30 - BREAK
3:30 - 5:00 - Instructional Time
Morning and afternoon refreshments will be provided. A list of on-campus and local lunch options will be available, and participants are welcome to bring their own.
During lunch on Day 2, Lipscomb Clinical Mental Health Counseling Alumni are invited to join us for a casual time of re-connection. We will provide lunch, or you are welcome to bring your own if you have specific dietary needs.
All participants must have earned a master’s degree or higher in a mental health profession or be a current student in good standing in a mental health related graduate training program.
- Day 1 - Introduction to Sandtray and Expressive Arts - No prior training in play therapy, sandtray therapy, or expressive arts is required.
- Day 2 - Utilizing Music in Play Therapy with Teenagers and Adults - This workshop is designed for participants who have had some prior training in integrating play or expressive arts into counseling, which could include participation in Day 1.
This will be an interactive, experiential training. You should come prepared to play. You will be asked to practice skills during role-plays and engage in other playful activities as well as small group discussions throughout the training. We recommend that you dress comfortably as you may be moving around the room.
All required materials will be provided for participants to use during the conference. Participants are encouraged to bring their own art supplies, sandtray, and/or miniatures, if desired.
Recommended Reading:
Sandtray Therapy: A Practical Manual (4th ed.) by Homeyer & Sweeney
Play Therapy Across the Lifespan - APT Magazine December 2022
Kasie Lee, PhD, LPC-MHSP, NCC, RPT-S, is an associate professor in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at Lipscomb University and director of the Center for Play Therapy and Expressive Arts. Dr. Lee completed a master's degree in human development counseling at Vanderbilt University and doctoral degree in counseling at the University of North Texas where she specialized in play therapy. Dr. Lee is a Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor and approved by the Center for Play Therapy at UNT as a trainer and supervisor for mental health professionals seeking certification as Child-Centered Play Therapists and Child-Parent Relationship Therapists.
Damian McClintock, PhD, LPC-MHSP, RPT, is an assistant professor in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at Lipscomb University. Dr. McClintock completed his master’s degree in counseling at East Tennessee State University with a specialization in couple and family therapy and a doctoral degree in counseling at the University of North Texas with a specialization in play therapy. Dr. McClintock is certified by the Center for Play Therapy at UNT as a Child-Centered Play Therapy Trainer and Child-Parent Relationship Therapy Trainer.
Learning Objectives:
Day 1
Introduction to Sandtray and Expressive Arts
Participants will be able to:
- Describe developmental rationale for incorporating therapeutic powers of play into counseling with teenagers, adults, groups, and families
- Describe purpose for incorporating sandtray and expressive arts into play therapy with clients across the lifespan
- Understand the variety of expressive art mediums (visual art, music/sound, dance/movement, drama/improvisation, writing/storytelling, and play) that can be utilized in play therapy with teenagers and adults
- Identify materials conducive to the therapeutic use of sandtray and expressive arts in play therapy with clients across the lifespan
- Understand protocol for facilitating and processing a sandtray or expressive arts technique in play therapy with a teenager or adult client
- Implement at least 3 sandtray and expressive art prompts in play therapy with teenagers and adults experiencing a variety of mental health concerns
Day 2
Utilizing Music in Play Therapy with Teenagers and Adults
Participants will be able to:
Understand the therapeutic benefits of music on mental health
Describe the importance of intentionally integrating music-based interventions into a theoretically-informed approach to play therapy with teenagers and adults
Recognize the importance of integrating clients' music preferences to enhance engagement in and effectiveness of music-based interventions in play therapy
Utilize steps for facilitating and processing music-based interventions in play therapy with teenagers and adults
Implement at least 3 music-based interventions in play therapy with teenagers and adults experiencing a variety of mental health concerns
Participate in music-based interventions, examine personal reactions, and reflect on the importance of counselors practicing play therapy to engage in self-reflection, supervision, and case consultation
Cancellations & refunds: Registration cancellation refund requests should be submitted via email to Dr. Kasie Lee in writing. The registration fee, minus a $50 administrative fee, will be refunded only if the request is postmarked by January 24, 2025. Lipscomb University Center for Play Therapy and Expressive Arts reserves the right to cancel this conference in the event of unforeseen circumstances. If such occurs, Dr. Kasie Lee will attempt to notify registrants prior to the conference and refund all registration, workshop, and continuing education fees. In all instances, the liability of Lipscomb University is limited to refunding such fees.
Child-Centered Play Therapy 101
Lipscomb University Center for Play Therapy & Expressive Arts Presents:
CCPT 101: Basics in Child-Centered Play Therapy
Children often have difficulty verbalizing their thoughts and feelings, which may produce obstacles for the child therapist or counselor. Child-Centered Play Therapy (CCPT) is a unique evidence-based counseling approach in which the relationship between therapist and child is the foundation for therapeutic change. In CCPT, the healing factor is identified as the relationship between the play therapist and the child. Relationship is based on clear communication between therapist and child, yet the child communicates through play. The therapist provides attitudinal conditions and developmentally appropriate materials to facilitate free expression and self-directed play of the child. In a safe environment, the child moves toward self-enhancing behaviors and ways of being.
This workshop is intended to present step-by-step introductory methods on how to help children accurately express themselves to the counselor in their own language of play. This workshop will offer a process for developing healing relationships with children, as well as help counselors use play therapy to reach treatment goals. Play therapy will be described and demonstrated in detail regarding its use and effectiveness with challenging children who present in both community and school settings. Participants will learn the CCPT treatment protocol as well as actively engage in CCPT skills throughout the workshop experience.
This workshop serves as the introduction to CCPT certification. Participants will earn continuing education credits as well as complete the first educational component toward CCPT certification. Completion of this workshop allows the participant to have a greater understanding of CCPT and begin to practice basic CCPT skills. Participants who wish to practice CCPT as a therapeutic approach will need to complete CCPT 102: Child-Centered Play Therapy Practice and Application. For more information about becoming a Certified CCPT Practitioner, visit the Center for Play Therapy at the University of North Texas. Learn more.
Learning Objectives
- Participants will describe and demonstrate the use and effectiveness of CCPT in community and school settings.
- Participants will identify and discuss the use and implementation of CCPT protocol.
- Participants will demonstrate CCPT skills and attitudes.
- Participants will describe the historical antecedents of play therapy.
- Participants will be able to identify appropriate play materials for playrooms.
- Participants will be able to identify the procedures for limit setting.
May 30 & 31, 2025, from 9:00am-4:30pm
Location: Brentwood Hills Church of Christ Family Life Center, 5120 Franklin Road, Nashville, TN 37220
Event Details
Registration will be available December 15, 2024 until May 15, 2025 or until full capacity has been reached. Due to the intensive nature of this training, enrollment is extremely limited.
Continuing Education:
- 12 Live In-Person Contact CEs (6 per day) approved by NBCC and APT
- Completion of CCPT 101 fulfills all CCPT 101 educational requirements towards becoming a Certified CCPT Practitioner. Learn more.
- For the purpose of Registered Play Therapist (RPT) Credentialing, this training covers:
- 9 hours of Seminal or Historically Significant Theories and 3 hours of Skills & Methods.
- For more information about becoming an RPT, visit the Association for Play Therapy. Learn more.
This event is sponsored by:
- Lipscomb University Center for Play Therapy & Expressive Arts APT Approved Provider #15-409
- University of North Texas Center for Play Therapy APT Approved Provider #95-004
- Lipscomb University, Department of Psychology, Counseling, and Family Science has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 4585. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Lipscomb University, Department of Psychology, Counseling, and Family Science is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. NBCC ACEP # 4585
Daily Schedule:
8:30 - 9:00 - Check-In (onsite registration not available)
9:00 - 10:30 - Instructional Time
10:30 - 10:45 - BREAK
10:45 - 12:15 - Instructional Time
12:15 - 1:15 - LUNCH
1:15 - 2:45 - Instructional Time
2:45 - 3:00 - BREAK
3:15 - 4:30 - Instructional Time
Morning and afternoon refreshments will be provided. A list of on-campus and local lunch options will be available, and participants are welcome to bring their own.
All participants must have earned a master’s degree or higher in a mental health profession or be a current student in good standing in a mental health related graduate training program.
This training will cover content from Dr. Garry Landreth’s text, Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship. We recommend that you read this book prior to attending the training.
Also, this will be an interactive training. You should come prepared to play. You will be asked to practice skills during role-plays and engage in other playful activities as well as small group discussions throughout the training. We recommend that you dress comfortably as you may be moving around the room and possibly sitting on the floor.
Kasie Lee, PhD, LPC-MHSP, NCC, RPT-S, is an associate professor in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at Lipscomb University and director of the Center for Play Therapy and Expressive Arts. Dr. Lee completed a master's degree in human development counseling at Vanderbilt University and doctoral degree in counseling at the University of North Texas where she specialized in play therapy. Dr. Lee is a Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor and approved by the Center for Play Therapy at UNT as a trainer and supervisor for mental health professionals seeking certification as Child-Centered Play Therapists and Child-Parent Relationship Therapists.
Damian McClintock, PhD, LPC-MHSP, RPT, is an assistant professor in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at Lipscomb University. Dr. McClintock completed his master’s degree in counseling at East Tennessee State University with a specialization in couple and family therapy and a doctoral degree in counseling at the University of North Texas with a specialization in play therapy. Dr. McClintock is certified by the Center for Play Therapy at UNT as a Child-Centered Play Therapy Trainer and Child-Parent Relationship Therapy Trainer.
Cancellations & Refunds:
Registration cancellation refund requests should be submitted via email to Kasie.Lee [at] (Dr. Kasie Lee) in writing. The registration fee, minus a $50 administrative fee, will be refunded only if the request is postmarked by May 15, 2025. Lipscomb University Center for Play Therapy and Expressive Arts reserves the right to cancel this conference in the event of unforeseen circumstances. If such occurs, Dr. Kasie Lee will attempt to notify registrants prior to the conference and refund all registration, workshop, and continuing education fees. In all instances, the liability of Lipscomb University is limited to refunding such fees.
Child-Centered Play Therapy 102
Lipscomb University Center for Play Therapy & Expressive Arts Presents:
CCPT 102: Child-Centered Play Therapy Practice and Application
This is a 3-day advanced in-person training in the practice and application of Child-Centered Play Therapy. This intensive training will build upon basic CCPT skills by addressing advanced topics in CCPT. Participants must have completed CCPT 101 or equivalent to register.
Content will include: understanding development, the process of CCPT (relational disruptions and enacting conditions), themes in CCPT, advanced limit setting, specific presenting problems/populations, parent consultation, advocacy/general research findings, and opportunities to apply the skills and practice!
This workshop includes a supervision session and requires that each participant conduct and record a CCPT session with a child age 3-10 prior to the workshop.
Learning Objectives
- Participants will be able to describe how child development impacts play therapy.
- Participants will be able to distinguish between play behaviors and play themes.
- Participants will be able to demonstrate when and how to use limit-setting and choice giving from a child-centered perspective.
- Participants will be able to demonstrate child-centered play therapy skills and attitudes.
- Participants will be able to cite and access research findings on the effectiveness of CCPT.
- Participants will be able to articulate the change process for various presenting problems.
- Participants will be able to integrate feedback into practice of CCPT.
September 13 & 14, 2024, 9:00am-5:30pm
September 15, 2024, 9:00am - 1:15pm
Location: McClure Center located on the ground floor of McFarland Science Center (#4 on campus map)
Campus Map
Event Details
Registration will be available June 1, 2024 until August 30, 2024, or until full capacity has been reached. Due to the intensive nature of this training, enrollment is extremely limited.
All participants must have completed CCPT 101 (or equivalent as determined by the Center for Play Therapy at University of North Texas) in order to register. If you are uncertain regarding your CCPT 101 status, please wait to register until you have contacted the cpt [at] (Center for Play Therapy).
Continuing Education:
- 18 Live In-Person Contact CEs approved by NBCC and APT
- Completion of CCPT 102 is an educational requirement towards becoming a Certified CCPT Practitioner. Learn more.
- For the purpose of Registered Play Therapist (RPT) Credentialing, this training covers:
- 11 hours of Seminal or Historically Significant Theories and 7 hours of Skills & Methods.
- For more information about becoming an RPT, visit the Association for Play Therapy. Learn more.
This event is sponsored by:
- Lipscomb University Center for Play Therapy & Expressive Arts APT Approved Provider #15-409
- University of North Texas Center for Play Therapy APT Approved Provider #95-004
- Lipscomb University, Department of Psychology, Counseling, and Family Science has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 4585. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Lipscomb University, Department of Psychology, Counseling, and Family Science is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. NBCC ACEP # 4585
Daily Schedule:
Friday & Saturday Schedule:
8:30 - 9:00 - Check-In (onsite registration not available)
9:00 - 10:45 - Instructional Time
10:45 - 11:00 - BREAK
11:00 - 12:45 - Instructional Time
12:45 - 1:45 - LUNCH
1:45 - 3:30 - Instructional Time
3:30 - 3:45 - BREAK
3:45 - 5:30 - Instructional Time
Sunday Schedule:
8:30 - 9:00 - Check-In
9:00 - 11:00 - Instructional Time
11:00 - 11:15 - BREAK
11:15 - 1:15 - Instructional Time
1:15 - 2:15 - Celebratory Lunch!
Snacks will be provided. Lunch is on your own Friday & Saturday. Sunday will we host a celebratory lunch for those who are able to stay and join us.
Participants must have completed CCPT 101 or equivalent in order to register. If you are uncertain regarding your CCPT 101 status, please wait to register until you have contacted the cpt [at] (Center for Play Therapy) at UNT.
This workshop includes a supervision session and requires that each participant conduct and record a CCPT session with a child prior to the workshop. Only participants who can attend with a recorded session with a child age 3-10 will be allowed to participate in the training.
Kasie Lee, PhD, LPC-MHSP, NCC, RPT-S, is an assistant professor in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at Lipscomb University and director of the Center for Play Therapy and Expressive Arts. Dr. Lee completed a master's degree in human development counseling at Vanderbilt University and doctoral degree in counseling at the University of North Texas where she specialized in play therapy. Dr. Lee is a Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor and approved by the Center for Play Therapy at UNT as a trainer and supervisor for mental health professionals seeking certification as Child-Centered Play Therapists and Child-Parent Relationship Therapists.
Damian McClintock, PhD, LPC-MHSP, RPT, is an assistant professor in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at Lipscomb University. Dr. McClintock completed his master’s degree in counseling at East Tennessee State University with a specialization in couple and family therapy and a doctoral degree in counseling at the University of North Texas with a specialization in play therapy. Dr. McClintock is certified by the Center for Play Therapy at UNT as a Child-Centered Play Therapy Trainer and Child-Parent Relationship Therapy Trainer.
Cancellations & Refunds:
Registration cancellation refund requests should be emailed to Kasie.Lee [at] (Dr. Kasie Lee) in writing. The registration fee, minus a $50 administrative fee, will be refunded only if the request is postmarked by August 30, 2024. Lipscomb University Center for Play Therapy and Expressive Arts reserves the right to cancel this conference in the event of unforeseen circumstances. If such occurs, Dr. Kasie Lee will attempt to notify registrants prior to the conference and refund all registration, workshop, and continuing education fees. In all instances, the liability of Lipscomb University is limited to refunding such fees.
Child-Parent Relationship Therapy 101
Lipscomb University Center for Play Therapy & Expressive Arts Presents:
CPRT 101: Foundations in Child-Parent Relationship Therapy
Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) is an evidence-based, culturally-responsive intervention with over 35 controlled outcome studies demonstrating its significant beneficial effects on reducing children’s behavior problems, reducing stress in the parent-child relationship and increasing caregiver empathy. CPRT focuses on fostering a secure and attuned caregiver-child attachment and empowering caregivers to make a significant difference in their children’s lives. In this unique approach, professional play therapists experienced in Child-Centered Play Therapy (CCPT) train and supervise caregivers to become therapeutic agents in their children’s lives through the use of CCPT principles and skills. Using a format of didactic instruction, demonstration play sessions, required weekly 30-minute play sessions and supervision, caregivers are taught CCPT attitudes and skills to facilitate sensitivity to, and understanding of their child’s underlying needs.
This is a practical “how to” workshop that fulfills partial requirements towards certification as a CPRT Facilitator. Based on the presenters’ experience, demonstrations, and viewing video segments of the inner-workings of a CPRT group co-lead by Dr. Bratton and Dr. Garry Landreth, participants will learn: how to teach child-centered play therapy skills, toys and materials needed, techniques for involving caregivers in the learning process, balancing training and meeting caregivers emotional needs, utilizing group dynamics, and facilitative supervision strategies. CPRT’s substantial evidence base, preventative nature, and relatively brief treatment time frame make this treatment model attractive in today’s mental health climate. CPRT received the 2010 Best Practices in Parent/Family Education Award and was recently recognized by the Donaldson Adoption Institute as the therapeutic parent training model with the strongest evidence base for working with adoptive/foster families.
*Participants will need the CPRT textbook and treatment manual (2nd edition) and are encouraged to be familiar with the manual prior to the workshop.
Participants will earn continuing education credits as well as complete the first educational component toward CPRT certification. For more information about becoming a Certified CPRT Practitioner, visit the Center for Play Therapy at the University of North Texas. Learn more.
Learning Objectives
- Discuss rationale for involving parents in children’s therapy.
- Role-play teaching caregivers basic CCPT skills.
- Describe the appropriate toys for CPRT play sessions.
- Describe the structure of CPRT caregiver-child play sessions.
- Identify strategies for teaching CPRT concepts and skills within group format.
- Identify three group leader skills necessary for effective facilitation of CPRT.
- Identify strategies for providing supportive feedback and supervision of video-recorded caregiver-child play sessions.
- Discuss cultural considerations for applying CPRT.
- Identify caregiver/child populations for which CPRT is proven effective.
Describe the substantive evidence-base for CPRT.
July 18 & 19, 2025, from 9:00am-4:30pm
Location: McClure Center located on the ground floor of McFarland (#4 on campus map)
Event Details
Registration will be available December 15, 2024 until July 4, 2025, or until full capacity has been reached. Due to the intensive nature of this training, enrollment is extremely limited.
All participants must have completed CCPT 101 (or equivalent as determined by the Center for Play Therapy at University of North Texas) in order to register. Upon registration, you will be required to submit a copy of your completion certificate for CCPT 101.
Continuing Education:
- 12 Live In-Person Contact CEs (6 per day) approved by NBCC and APT
- Completion of this workshop fulfills partial educational requirements towards becoming a Certified CCPT Practitioner. Learn more.
- For the purpose of Registered Play Therapist (RPT) Credentialing, this training covers:
- 1 hour of History, 8 hours of Seminal or Historically Significant Theories, and 3 hours of Skills & Methods.
- For more information about becoming an RPT, visit the Association for Play Therapy. Learn more.
This event is sponsored by:
Lipscomb University Center for Play Therapy & Expressive Arts APT Approved Provider #15-409
University of North Texas Center for Play Therapy APT Approved Provider #95-004
Lipscomb University, Department of Psychology, Counseling, and Family Science has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 4585. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Lipscomb University, Department of Psychology, Counseling, and Family Science is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. NBCC ACEP # 4585
Daily Schedule:
8:30 - 9:00 - Check-In (onsite registration not available)
9:00 - 10:30 - Instructional Time
10:30 - 10:45 - BREAK
10:45 - 12:15 - Instructional Time
12:15 - 1:15 - LUNCH
1:15 - 2:45 - Instructional Time
2:45 - 3:00 - BREAK
3:15 - 4:30 - Instructional Time
Morning and afternoon refreshments will be provided. A list of on-campus and local lunch options will be available, and participants are welcome to bring their own.
All participants must have earned a master’s degree or higher in a mental health profession or be a current student in good standing in a mental health related graduate training program.
All participants must have completed CCPT 101 (or equivalent as determined by the Center for Play Therapy at University of North Texas) in order to register. Upon registration, you will be required to submit a copy of your completion certificate for CCPT 101.
This training will cover content from Drs. Garry Landreth and Sue Bratton’s texts:
Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT): An Evidence-Based 10-Session Filial Therapy Model (2nd ed)
Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) Treatment Manual (2nd ed)
We recommend that you read these books prior to attending the training.
Also, this will be an interactive training. You should come prepared to play. You will be asked to practice skills during role-plays and engage in other playful activities as well as small group discussions throughout the training. We recommend that you dress comfortably as you may be moving around the room and possibly sitting on the floor.
Kasie Lee, PhD, LPC-MHSP, NCC, RPT-S, is an associate professor in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at Lipscomb University and director of the Center for Play Therapy and Expressive Arts. Dr. Lee completed a master's degree in human development counseling at Vanderbilt University and doctoral degree in counseling at the University of North Texas where she specialized in play therapy. Dr. Lee is a Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor and approved by the Center for Play Therapy at UNT as a trainer and supervisor for mental health professionals seeking certification as Child-Centered Play Therapists and Child-Parent Relationship Therapists.
Damian McClintock, PhD, LPC-MHSP, RPT, is an assistant professor in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at Lipscomb University. Dr. McClintock completed his master’s degree in counseling at East Tennessee State University with a specialization in couple and family therapy and a doctoral degree in counseling at the University of North Texas with a specialization in play therapy. Dr. McClintock is certified by the Center for Play Therapy at UNT as a Child-Centered Play Therapy Trainer and Child-Parent Relationship Therapy Trainer.
Cancellations & Refunds:
Registration cancellation refund requests should be submitted via email to Dr. Kasie Lee in writing. The registration fee, minus a $50 administrative fee, will be refunded only if the request is postmarked by July 4, 2025. Lipscomb University Center for Play Therapy and Expressive Arts reserves the right to cancel this conference in the event of unforeseen circumstances. If such occurs, Dr. Kasie Lee will attempt to notify registrants prior to the conference and refund all registration, workshop, and continuing education fees. In all instances, the liability of Lipscomb University is limited to refunding such fees.
Looking for more Play Therapy trainings in the greater Nashville area and beyond? Check out The Association for Play Therapy!