Who's Who In the College of Pharmacy: Dr. McGraw
February 1, 2022

This week, we learn about one of our newer faculty members, Dr. Angie McGraw! She began her journey with us in the middle of a pandemic and has been an asset to the College ever since. Stop by and say hi!
How were you introduced to pharmacy?
I started as a technician at Walgreens. The manager of the pharmacy at the time was Dr. Katrina R. Bell. I walked up to the counter and asked her if she would hire me because I wanted to be a pharmacist. The rest is history.
How was the transition from pharmacy student life into pharmacy professional life when you graduated? Did you feel prepared? Has your view of the profession changed any as you’ve gotten more experience?
After graduation, I remember taking a month to focus on passing the NAPLEX. I was fortunate enough to match at Saint Thomas West as a PGY-1 resident. When I started residency, I was excited and overwhelmed. I did feel prepared, but working in a hospital and being a resident was nothing I had every experienced. It was tough, but residency definitely prepared me for the job.
As I’ve gained experience, my view of my role as a pharmacist has definitely changed. I have had the privilege of serving in several capacities. And the needs of patients and their families have definitely shaped the way I view my practice.
What motivated you to come to Lipscomb? How has that experience been?
I have worked with several former Lipscomb students and they all speak very highly of this university. The experience has been overall great. I have learned so much more about myself and what it means to serve people in different capacities under the pharmacy umbrella.
What do you like about living in Nashville?
I love that Nashville is growing and that I am able to meet new people constantly.
Are there any special topics that interest you? Do you have a favorite subject to teach?
I am really interested in ovarian cancer and increasing screening options. I don’t have a favorite subject per se, but I love mentoring.
If you were to give a piece of advice to incoming students, what would it be?
Keep swimming. That’s what I tell students. You will face challenges, but it gets easier as you keep going.
What inspired you to choose pharmacy? Are you glad you did?
I don’t have a definite moment that inspired me to pursue pharmacy as a profession. I can say that my experience as a technician under a great manager who was patient and took time to teach me on the job was certainly very influential. I am very glad I chose this profession.
What changes would you like to see in the pharmacy profession in the next several years?
I hope that within the coming years, pharmacists are seen as providers, that the population learns more about what we do to keep them safe medically, and that we discover more breakthroughs in the pharmacy field.
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