Kathy Williams
Assistant Professor
Kathy Williams brings over 45 years of nursing experience into the nursing program here at Lipscomb University. Growing up in Henderson, Tennessee, she attended Freed-Hardeman College and earned an associate of arts degree in biology. Then she transferred to Union University where she completed her associate of science degree in nursing obtaining her RN. After several years living in the mission field abroad, she returned and completed a bachelor of science degree in nursing from the University of Tennessee Martin. Later, she obtained her masters of science in nursing education from Aspen University.
Williams spent 12 years in the mission field serving in Montreal, Canada, and in Nigeria, West Africa. After returning to the States, she has taken yearly short-term mission trips to Central and South America, Haiti, and Africa. Her nursing experience ranges from tropical diseases, to CVICU, and years in home health care prior to her time at Lipscomb.
She brings to Lipscomb University her passion for missions. She led Lipscomb’s nursing and pharmacy students to Destin, Florida, on their mission trip every spring break for nine years until the clinic closed. That trip also included pharmacy and dietician students. She has helped lead the Malawi, Central Africa, mission trip for three years. This trip involves nursing and pharmacy students. She is also a member of the newly formed College of Health Sciences Mission Committee. She recently visited the Dominica Republic with a small Lipscomb team to scout out other areas to partner in future medical mission trips.
Presently, Williams is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing and teaches Community Health and Applied Christian Values to senior nursing students.
She attends church at North Boulevard Church of Christ in Murfreesboro, West where she is very active. In her spare time, she enjoys adventures with her husband, Randy and playing with her eleven grandchildren.