Jessica Wallace
Dept of Pharmacy Practice
Associate Professor
Jessica Wallace received her Bachelor of Science degree from Middle Tennessee State University followed by her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy. She completed a PGY-1 Pharmacy Practice Residency at Veterans Affairs (VA) Tennessee Valley Healthcare System in Nashville followed by a PGY-2 Internal Medicine specialty residency through the University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy, practicing at Methodist University Hospital in Memphis, TN. Following post-doctoral training, in 2012, she accepted a pharmacy practice faculty position at Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy.
She maintains her clinical practice site precepting fourth year pharmacy students and residents on the Internal Medicine teaching service at the VA in Nashville, which is affiliated with Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. She also has a research appointment with Vanderbilt University medical center for nephrology based research with a recent subaward on NIH research study evaluating post-discharge care of acute kidney injury patients.
Academic Degrees
BS, Middle Tennessee State University
Pharm.D., University of Tennessee