Pamela Scretchen
Grad Ed-Applied Behavior Analysis
Pamela Scretchen is a licensed and Board-Certified Behavior Analyst who has worked in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis since 2004. She has worked with children and adults diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders such as: Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury, and other mental health disorders. Pamela has developed and provided community education on Autism and the impact it has on families. She is an advocate for children receiving special education and has coordinated family support systems within church and community organizations. Pamela consults with surrounding Tennessee school districts on providing positive behavior supports and trauma informed interventions. She provides district wide professional development to school administrators and educators. Her vision is to share how one can provide compassionate care to students while eliminating the challenging behaviors that impede their access to education. Pamela has taught students in higher education for numerous years. In 2003, Pamela joined Lipscomb as an Adjunct instructor, teaching undergraduates in the Psychology Department. She later transitioned to the Department of Education, teaching graduates in the Applied Behavior Analysis Program. Pamela is passionate about teaching in the field of Behavior Analysis. Coaching students to develop into competent and compassionate service providers is her central goal.
Academic Degrees
Licensed Behavior Analyst, Board Certified Behavior Analyst
Masters of Science Counseling Psychology from Tennessee State University, August, 2001
Academic Department
College of Education-Applied Behavior Analysis