Charlotte Poling
Fashion and Design
Assistant Professor and Department Chair
Charlotte Poling is a fashion industry veteran of over 20 years. In 2001, she opened luxury bridal boutique, The Bride Room, in Nashville, which quickly became the rising star of the national bridal community. Just as she approached 15 years in the business, Poling sold her company and handed the keys to the next generation of owners. After a few months of travel and R&R, she found herself joining forces with bridal industry leader Beth Chapman in the fall of 2016, helping structure, market and moderate The White Dress Society, an online business forum for bridal boutique owners with over 900 members worldwide.
In the spring of 2019, committed to becoming an advocate for education in the local Nashville fashion community, Poling curated and chaired the Board of Advisors for Lipscomb’s Department of Fashion & Design, working to restructure the program to better equip students for the ever-changing face of the fashion industry. Simultaneously, she represented the department on the Board of Advisors of the George Shinn College of Entertainment & the Arts at Lipscomb.
In the fall of 2019, Poling joined the Lipscomb’s Department of Fashion & Design as the fashion executive in residence, furthering her desire to nurture the next generation of the fashion industry.