Linda Phipps
Risk Management
Director of Environmental Health Safety
Phipps has over 35 years of experience in environmental science and chemistry. She served as the Pretreatment Coordinator for Dallas, TX, where she administered the pretreatment permitting and enforcement program under the Clean Water Act for 180 industrial and 1500 commercial facilities.
After receiving her doctoral degree in Physical Chemistry from Vanderbilt Univ (research: 3-D modeling of groundwater remediation) and a master’s degree in Environmental Science from the Univ of TX-Dallas (research: uncertainty analysis of wasteload allocations), Phipps was a Sr Project Manager for AMEC Environmental and Resource Consultants. She managed over $1 million annually in environmental consulting projects on site assessment and remediation, negotiation of discharge permits, environmental auditing, development of ISO 14001 environmental management systems, stormwater and groundwater compliance assistance, and development of environmental compliance materials for industry groups. She assisted national trade organizations, such as the Assoc of American Railroads, the Battery Council, and the Lead Industry Assoc, in responding to proposed regulations and conducting industry-wide environmental training.
Phipps came to Lipscomb in Spring 2000. Her teaching responsibilities have included Env Law and Policy, Env Chem, Green Chem, Env Biology, Intro to Sustainable Energy, Integrated Science, Analytical Chem, Adv Analytical Chem, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Intro to Physical Chem, General Chem, Intro to Chem, and Intro to Forensic Science.
Phipps is currently coordinating and teaching Energy Education Camps for K-12 teachers under the USDOE and TDEC. She is responsible for the initial design for Lipscomb’s and Tennessee’s first sustainability graduate/undergraduate program. Phipps has served as Lipscomb’s Environmental Compliance officer and has completed an academic semester in Vienna. She enjoys travel, photography, gardening and her dogs.