Megan Parker Peters
College of Education, Admin
Associate Dean, College of Education
Dr. Megan Parker Peters is the Associate Dean, an Associate Professor, and the Director of Accreditation, Assessment, and Research at Lipscomb University. She is a licensed psychologist and licensed school psychologist who has earned the designation as a Nationally Certified School Psychologist. Dr. Parker Peters specializes in researching and assessing gifted and twice-exceptional learners. She is the co-recipient of the 2016 Hollingworth award for excellence in research publications in gifted education and the 2017 recipient of the Jo Patterson Award for her contribution to gifted education in the state of Tennessee. She is the co-author of Teaching Tenacity, Resilience, and a Drive for Excellence, which was awarded the 2019 TAGT Legacy award. She is also the immediate past-president of the Tennessee Association for Independent Liberal Arts Colleges of Teacher Education. Dr. Parker Peters has published articles related to the social emotional needs of gifted learners. She also serves on the board of the Tennessee Association for the Gifted and has served the editorial boards of the National Association for Gifted Children’s publications, Teaching for High Potential and Parenting for High Potential.
Academic Degrees
Ph.D., School Psychology, University of Tennessee; M.S., Applied Educational Psychology, University of Tennessee; B.S., Psychology, Middle Tennessee State University
Academic Department
- EG 5083 Research in Classroom Practice
- EG 5863 School-Based Assessment
- EG 5593 Characteristics and Needs of Gifted Learners
- EG 5693 Issues and Advocacy in Gifted Education
- EG 5383 Accountability, Research, and Assessment
Research Interests
- Gifted Education
- Social-Emotional Needs of Gifted Learners
- Social-Emotional Needs of Teacher Candidates and In-Service Teachers
Research and Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Parker Peters, M. (2020). Help! I think my baby may be gifted. Now, what do I do? Parenting for High Potential.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2019). Being mindful of emotions: CHECKing in on your child's emotional intelligence. Parenting for High Potential.
Plattner, A., & Parker Peters, M. (2019). Ready or Not: The Effectiveness of Homeschoolers’ Academic and Social Preparation. Journal of Modern Education Review.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2019). Giftedness and Growth Mindset: In Context of Talent Development. Teaching for High Potential.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2019). Understanding underachievement: Mindset, perfectionism, and achievement attitudes among gifted students. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 42, 107-134.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2018). Shifting the perfectionistic mindset: Moving to mindful excellence. Gifted Child Today, 41, 177-185. doi: 10.1177/1076217518786989
Parker Peters, M., Fain, J. G., & Duncan, S. (2018). Explore for more: Enhancing students’ literacy through a school-family-university partnership. International Journal of Education and Literacy.6, 9-19. doi: 10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.6n.3p.9
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2018). Mindset Misconception? Comparing Mindsets, Perfectionism, and Attitudes of Achievement in Gifted, Advanced, and Typical Students. Gifted Child Quarterly, 62, 3237-349. doi: 10.1177/0016986218758440
Parker Peters, M., Boyd, D., & Harrison, J. (2017). Questioning what we know: Evaluating predictability of candidate data. Journal of Modern Education Review, 7, 367-375. doi: 10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/06.07.2017/002
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. (2017). Mindsets matter for gifted children. Parenting for High Potential.
Mofield, E., Parker Peters, M., & Chakraborti-Ghosh, S. (2016). Perfectionism, Coping, and Underachievement in Gifted Adolescents: Avoidance vs. Approach Orientations. Educational Sciences, 6, 1-22. doi:10.3390/educsci6030021
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2015). The relationship between overexcitabilities and perfectionism in gifted adolescents. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 38, 405-427.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2015). Multidimensional perfectionism within gifted adolescents: An exploration of typology and comparison of samples. Roeper Review, 37, 97-109.
Parker, M. R., & Bain, S. K. (2011). Bullying and victimization rates among gifted and high-achieving students. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 34, 624-643.
Parker, M. R., Foster, L. N., Krohn, K. R., & Williams, R. L. (2010). Relationship of college students' patriotism to use of specific news sources and knowledge of current political events. Journal of Political and Military Sociology, 22, 100-116.
Parker, M., Jordan, K., Kirk, E. R., Aspiranti, K., & Bain, S. K. (2010). Publications in four gifted education journals from 2001 to 2006: An analysis of article types and authorship characteristics. Roeper Review, 32, 207-216.
Parker, M., Skinner, C., & Booher, J. (2010). Using functional behavioral assessment data to infer learning histories and guide interventions: A consultation case study. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation & Therapy, 6, 24-34.
Parker, M. R., Foster, L. N., Krohn, K. R., & Williams, R. L. (2009). Relationship of college students’ patriotism to specific news sources and knowledge of current political events. Journal of Political and Military Sociology, 37, 205-226.
Krohn, K. R., Parker, M. R., Foster, L. N., Aspiranti, K. B., McCleary, D. F., & Williams, R. L. (2009). Effects of writing-related contingencies on both quality of writing and multiple-choice exam performance in large college courses. Behavior Analyst Today, 9, 184-195.
Hautau, B., Turner, H. C., Carroll, E., Jaspers, K. E., Krohn, K., Parker, M., & Williams, R.L. (2006). Differential daily writing conditions and performance on major multiple choice exams. Journal of Behavioral Education, 15, 171-181.
Hautau, B., Turner, H. C., Carroll, E., Jaspers, K. E., Parker, M., Krohn, K., & Williams, R.L. (2006). Differential daily writing contingencies and performance on major multiple choice exams. Journal of Behavioral Education, 15, 256-273.
Other Publications
Parker Peters, M., Amend, E., & Koehler, J. (2020). Supporting your gifted child during COVID-19. National Association for Gifted Children TIP Sheet.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2020, January 31). Teaching Tenacity, Resilience, and a Drive for Excellence [Webinar]. Prufrock Press.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2019, January 23). True Grit - Fostering Tenacity and Resilience [Podcast]. In Mind Matters Podcast series.
Parker Peters, M. (2018, February). Assessing Young Gifted Children, Current Practice and Thoughts for School Psychologists. NAGC Insider.
Parker Peters, M., McCormick, H., Payne, A., & Lloyd, T. (2017, November). Intellectually Gifted Evaluation Guidance. Tennessee Department of Education.
Parker Peters, M., & Mofield, E. (2016, November 10). Perfectionism and giftedness: What we know and what we can do [Webinar]. In Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted’s SENGinar series.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2016, May 12). Changing mindset with challenge: Promoting achievement among high-potential students [Webinar]. In Gifted Ignite webinar series.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2016, May 12). Mindsets matter in talent development [Webinar]. In Gifted Ignite webinar series.
Parker Peters, M. (2016). Evaluating quality of online and offline resources. EduToolbox Online Article for the Ayers Institute for Teacher Learning and Innovation.
Parker Peters, M. (2014). What every psychologist should know about gifted children. National Association for Gifted Children—Early Childhood Division Newsletter.
Stambaugh, T. & Parker Peters, M. (2013). Do you know this child? A checklist for identifying promising students of poverty. Vanderbilt University: Nashville, TN.
Parker, M. R. (2008). Gifted and talented children. In Springer-Verlag, G. (Ed)., Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development. Heildelberg, Germany: Springer.
Parker, M. (2007). Raising the bar for gifted students—Inclusion is not the answer. Tennessee Association for the Gifted, 26 (1), 9-11.
Relevant Experience
Tennessee Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Employer Survey Working Group Member (February 2022-December 2022)
- Works with EPP members across the state to design an Employer Survey for all Tennessee EPP’s that meets CAEP sufficiency and is aligned to appropriate standards.
Tennessee Department of Education Educator Preparation Working Group Member (January 2022-December 2023)
- Advises the office of educator licensure and preparation (OELP) on key educator preparation initiatives to ensure that educators entering Tennessee classrooms are well-prepared to meet the needs of all students.
U.S. Department of Education- Office of Well-Rounded Education (OWRE), Assistance for Arts Education Programs (AAE) Grant Reviewer (May 2021)
- Reviewed federal grant applications on a national panel of experts. Provided feedback that led to awarding grantees with funding for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Nashville Young Leaders Council (March 2021- June 2021)
- Participation in local civic and leadership development organization.
Publications Committee, National Association for Gifted Children (October 2019- Present)
- Reviews materials and provides feedback on national publications in the field of gifted education.
Deans for Impact Board of Advisors, Common Instrument System (CIS) Team Lead (August 2019- Present)
- Reviewed and provided feedback on common assessments used by EPPs.
SACSCOC Site Evaluator, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (July 2019- Present)
- Lead review teams to evaluate and provide meaningful feedback to colleges and universities for accreditation purposes.
CAEP Lead Site Visitor, Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (July 2019- Present)
- Lead review teams to evaluate and provide meaningful feedback to Education Preparation Providers (EPPs) for accreditation purposes.
U.S. Department of Education, Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program Grant Reviewer (June 2019)
- Reviewed federal grant applications on a national panel of experts. Provided feedback that led to awarding grantees with funding for the 2019-20 academic year.
Grants and Awards
- Cowart Endowed Faculty Excellence Award, Inaugural Award Recipient (2021)
- Texas Association for Gifted and Talented Legacy Book Award, Award winner in Curriculum Category (2019)
- Jo Patterson Distinguished Service Award (TN Association for the Gifted), Award winner for contributions to gifted education in the state of TN (2017)
- NAGC Hollingworth National Research Award, Award winner for contributions to research in the field of gifted education (2016)
- National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Early Childhood Division, Grant Award Winner (August 2014)
Talks and Presentations
Peer-Reviewed Presentations
Parker Peters, M., & Cochran, L. (2022). Mindful Preparation. Presentation at the 2022 Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges of Teacher Education Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Cochran, L., & Parker Peters, M. (2022). Mindful Preparation. Presentation at the 2022 Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Parker Peters, M. (2022). Assessing and Supporting 2e Students: Guidance for Practitioners and Families. Presentation at the College of William and Mary Twice Exceptional Conference. Virtual.
Parker Peters, M., & Mofield, E. (2022). Supporting Growth Beyond the Grade: Promoting Psychosocial Skills for Twice-Exceptional Students. Presentation at the College of William and Mary Twice Exceptional Conference. Virtual.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2021). Supporting Growth Beyond Grades: Promoting Psychosocial Skills for Gifted Students from Special Populations. Presentation at the World Council for Gifted and Talented Biennial Conference. Virtual.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2021). Psychosocial Supports for Gifted Students from Diverse Backgrounds. Presentation at the National Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference. Denver, CO.
Parker Peters, M. (2021). Very Young and Very Gifted: What Parents and Supporters Can Do Now to Nurture and Support.. Presentation at the 2021 National Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference. Denver, CO.
Parker Peters, M., & Boyd, D. M. (2021). Surviving and Thriving with Accreditation. Presentation at the 2021 Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges of Teacher Education Annual Conference. Virtual.
Parker Peters, M. (2021). Identifying and Supporting 2e Learners- Serving both ends of the Spectrum. Presentation at the 2021 Partners in Education Annual Conference. Virtual.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2020). Enhancing Motivation and Resilience for Gifted Students from Diverse Populations. Presentation at the 2020 Texas Association for Gifted and Talented Annual Conference. Virtual.
Parker Peters, M. & Fogarty, E. (2020). Going for Gold: High Standards in Professional Learning for Gifted Education. Presentation at the 2020 National Association for Gifted Children 2020 Conference. Virtual.
Parker Peters, M. & Fain, J. (2020). Gifted + Multilingual Learners: How Can We Effectively Identify, Support, and Serve? Presentation at the 2020 National Association for Gifted Children 2020 Conference. Virtual.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2020). Strategies for Supporting Psychosocial Skills in Talent Development. Presentation at the 2020 National Association for Gifted Children 2020 Conference. Virtual.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2020). Enhancing Motivation and Resilience for Gifted Students from Special Populations. TAGT Leadership, Gifted, and Equity Conference. Virtual.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2020). Do I Have to Be Perfect? Presentation at the 2020 Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted Mini Conference. Virtual.
Fogarty, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2020). Gifted Education Through the Lens of Social Justice. Presentation at the 2020 American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2020). Igniting a Drive to Achieve: Lessons for Social-Emotional Learning. Presentation at the 2020 Partners in Education Conference. Nashville TN.
Parker Peters, M., & Fain, J. (2019). Gifted + Multilingual Learner: How Can We Effectively Identify and Serve Them? Presentation at the 2020 Partners in Education Conference. Nashville TN.
Parker Peters, M., & Fain, J. (2019). Gifted + Multilingual Learner: How Can We Effectively Identify and Serve? Presentation at the 2019 National Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM.
Parker Peters, M., & Medlock, E. (2019). Partnerships for Mathematical Mindsets. Presentation at the 2019 Association for Middle Level Educators Conference. Nashville TN.
Parker Peters, M., & Medlock, E. (2019). Partnerships Producing Outcomes: Building Mathematical Mindsets Together. Presentation at the 2019 Association for Middle Level Educators Conference. Nashville TN.
Parker Peters, M., & Mofield, E. (2019). Supporting Achievement with Strategies for Social Emotional Learning. Presentation at the 2019 Association for Middle Level Educators Conference. Nashville TN.
Parker Peters, M., & Mofield, E. (2019). Social Emotional Skills Supporting Gifted Development. Presentation at the 2019 Tennessee Association for the Gifted Conference. Nashville TN.
Parker Peters, M., & Fain, J. (2019). Gifted + Multilingual Learner: How Can We Effectively Identify and Serve Them? Presentation at the 2019 Tennessee Association for the Gifted Conference. Nashville TN.
Parker Peters, M., & Fain, J. (2019). Gifted + Multilingual Learner: How Can We Effectively Identify and Serve? Presentation at the 2019 World Council for Gifted and Talented Children Biennial Conference. Nashville TN.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2019). Mindsets of Underachievers: Understanding Why They Underachieve and What We Can Do. Presentation at the 2019 World Council for Gifted and Talented Children Biennial Conference. Nashville TN.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Addressing Social Emotional Learning. Presentation at the 2019 Music City SEL Conference. Nashville, TN.
Parker Peters, M., & Mofield, E. (2019). Teaching Tenacity, Resilience, and a Drive for Excellence. Presentation at the 2019 Global Voices ELL Conference. Nashville TN.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2019). Supporting Gifted Learners’ Potential by Addressing Underachievement. Presentation at the 2019 Partners in Education Annual Conference. Nashville TN.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2018). Building Tenacity and Resilience through Social-Emotional Learning. Presentation at the 2018 Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented Annual Conference. Fort Worth, TX.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. (2018). Supporting Access to Achievement: How Can We Address Underachievement? Presentation at the 2018 LEAD Conference. Nashville, TN.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Addressing Social Emotional Learning. Presentation at the 2018 Music City SEL Conference. Nashville, TN.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Teaching Tenacity and Resilience: Lesson Ideas for Building Psychosocial Skills. Presentation at the 2018 National Association for Gifted Children Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Underachievement and Coping among Gifted Students: What We Know and What We Can Do. Presentation at the 2018 National Association for Gifted Children Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
Parker Peters, M. & High, J. Working Together: Lessons Learned from Partnerships. Presentation at the 2018 American Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges of Teacher Education Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.
Parker Peters, M. & Fogarty, L. Preparing Candidates for ALL Learners: Where are the Gifted? Presentation at the 2018 American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.
Baese, K., & Parker Peters, M. edTPA for Alternative License Certification Programs. Presentation at the 2018 American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Cultivating Psychosocial Skills to Illuminate Paths to High Achievement. Presentation at the 2017 National Association for Gifted Children Conference. Charlotte, NC.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Underachievement, Perfectionism, and Mindset: Shining New Insight for Intervention. Presentation at the 2017 National Association for Gifted Children Conference. Charlotte, NC.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Shedding Light onto Vulnerabilities: A Comparison Study on Implicit Beliefs of Intelligence and Perfectionism. Presentation at the 2017 National Association for Gifted Children Conference. Charlotte, NC.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Perfectionism 101: Gifted Students? Presentation at the 2017 Tennessee Association for the Gifted Conference. Nashville, TN.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. teaching Tenacity and a Drive for Excellence Presentation at the 2017 Tennessee Association for the Gifted Conference. Nashville, TN.
Parker Peters, M., & Delgado, L. Meeting Needs of Today and Tomorrow: An Impetus for Increasing Teacher Diversity in Colleges of Education. Presentation at the 2017 Association for Independent Liberal Arts Colleges of Teacher Education Conference. Tampa, FL.
Little, M. A., & Parker Peters, M. Effects of Political Mandates on Liberal Arts EPPS. Presentation at the 2017 Association for Independent Liberal Arts Colleges of Teacher Education Conference. Tampa, FL.
Fain, J. G., & Parker Peters, M. Explore for More: Enhancing Student Literacy through a School-Family-University Initiative. Presentation at the 2017 Association for Independent Liberal Arts Colleges of Teacher Education Conference. Tampa, FL.
Boyd, D., Milligan, R., & Parker Peters, M. Shared Knowledge: Building a Professional Community of Resources. Presentation at the 2017 American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Conference. Tampa, FL.
Boyd, D., Delgado, L., & Parker Peters, M. Meeting the Needs of Today and Tomorrow: Increasing Teacher Diversity. Presentation at the 2017 American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Conference. Tampa, FL.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Mindset Misconceptions Presentation at the 2016 National Association for Gifted Children Conference. Orlando, FL.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Mindsets Matter: Motivating Positive Achievement Strivings in Gifted Children. Presentation at the 2016 National Association for Gifted Children Conference. Orlando, FL.
Parker Peters, M. & Fain, J. Explore for More: Enhancing Student Literacy Through a School-Family-University Partnership. Presentation at the 2016 State of Tennessee Department of Education LEAD Conference. Nashville, TN.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Perfectionism, Coping, and Underachievement: What is Happening to our Gifted Students? Presentation at the 2016 Tennessee Association for the Gifted Conference. Chattanooga, TN.
Parker Peters, M. & Yelvington, T. What’s Happening in Gifted Education? Presentation at the 2016 Tennessee Association for the Gifted Conference. Chattanooga, TN.
Parker Peters, M. The Psychology of Creativity. Presentation at the 2016 Lipscomb University Summer Alumni Summit. Nashville, TN.
Plattner, A., & Parker Peters, M. Effectiveness of Homeschoolers’ College Preparation. Presentation at the 2016 Lipscomb University Student Scholars Symposium. Nashville, TN.
Chapman, J., Fitterer, J., Young, R., & Parker Peters, M. Creating a Culture of College and Career Readiness in Tennessee’s Urban High Schools. Presentation at the 2016 Lipscomb University Student Scholars Symposium. Nashville, TN.
Parker Peters, M., Boyd, D., & Harrison, J. Questioning What We Know: Evaluating Predictability of Candidate Data. Presentation at the 2016 Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Changing Mindset with Challenge: Promoting Growth and Performance Among Gifted & High-Achieving Students. Presentation at the 2016 Partners in Education Annual Conference. Nashville, TN.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Perfectionism and Coping in Gifted Adolescents. Presentation at the 2015 National Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. The Relationships Between Overexcitabilitites and Perfectionism in Gifted Students. Presentation at the 2015 National Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Changing mindset with challenge. Presentation at the 2015 State of Tennessee Department of Education LEAD Conference. Nashville, TN.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. Changing mindset with challenge: Promoting Student Growth and Performance. Presentation at the 2015 Tennessee Association for the Gifted Conference. Memphis, TN.
Parker Peters, M. 2e: Supporting students with dual diagnoses. Presentation at the Lipscomb University 2015 Alumni Summit. Nashville, TN.
Parker Peters, M., Stambaugh ,T., & Amend, E. Through the Looking Glass: Gifted Students’ Perceptions of Self as Related to IQ and Levels of Anxiety. Presentation at the National Association for Gifted Children. 2014 Annual Convention. Baltimore, MD.
Parker Peters, M. 2e: What Does it Mean to Me? Presentation at the Tennessee Association of Independent Schools 2014 Biennial Conference. Brentwood, TN.
Stambaugh, T., & Parker Peters, M. It’s not just semantics, it’s all semantics: Similarities and differences in special and gifted education. Presentation at the SPED Conference and RTI Joint Summit. Partners in Education: A continuum of services for ALL children. 2014 Annual Conference. Nashville, TN.
Cutting, L., Stambaugh ,T., & Parker Peters, M. Cortical Gray Matter Thickness in Individuals with High IQs as Compared to Average IQs. Presentation at the National Association for Gifted Children. 2013 Annual Convention. Indianapolis, IN.
Parker Peters, M., Stambaugh ,T., & Robertson, K. Effectiveness of the UNIT and KBIT-2 in Identifying Students of Poverty. Presentation at the National Association for Gifted Children. 2013 Annual Convention. Indianapolis, IN.
Parker Peters, M. 2e 101: Supporting Students with Dual Diagnoses. Presentation at the SPED Conference and RTI Joint Summit. 2013 Annual Conference. Nashville, TN.
Parker Peters, M., Stambaugh ,T., & McLean, L. The Next Generation of Gifted Gripes. Presentation at the National Association for Gifted Children. 2012 Annual Convention. Denver, CO.
Pitts, J., Watson, J., Stambaugh, T, & Parker Peters, M. Three New Rs: Research, Rubrics, and Realities in Saturday, Weekend and Summer Programs. Presentation at the National Association for Gifted Children. 2011 Annual Convention. New Orleans, LA.
Peters, M. Preventing and Undoing Underachievement among Gifted Students. Presentation at the Tennessee Association for the Gifted 2011 Conference, Memphis, TN.
Peters, M. Behavioral Needs and Expectations of Gifted Learners. Presentation at the Tennessee Association for the Gifted 2011 Conference, Memphis, TN.
Parker, M. & Bain, S. K. Bullying and Victimization among Gifted and High-Achieving High School Students. Poster Presentation at the National Association for Gifted Children 2010 Annual Convention. Atlanta, GA.
Parker, M. Bullying and Victimization Rates Among Gifted and Non-gifted High School Students. Poster Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children 2010 Convention and Expo. Nashville, TN.
Windingstad, S., Parker, M., McCallum, R. S., Krohn, K. Reading Competence & Emotional Intelligence: Are They Related? Poster Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2010 Annual Convention. Chicago, IL.
Windingstad, S., Parker, M., McCallum, R. S., Bell, S. M., Operationalizations of Emotional Intelligence: Are They Related? Poster Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2009 Annual Convention. Boston, MA.
Pelchar, T. P., Parker, M. R., Jordan, K. R., & Bain, S. K. Emotional Intelligence and Bullying/Victimization Among Gifted and High-Achieving Students. Poster Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2009 Annual Convention. Boston, MA.
Parker, M. R. The Effects of a Differential Attention Intervention to Decrease Student Disruptive Behavior. Poster presentation at the Tennessee Association for Behavior Analysis 2008 Conference, Nashville, TN.
Parker, M. R. Sociopolitical Perspectives and News Choices of College Students. Poster Presentation at the Mid-South Educational Research Association 2008 Conference, Knoxville, TN.
Jordan, K. R., Parker, M. R., Pelchar, T., & Bain, S. K. Emotional Intelligence in Gifted and High-Achieving High School Students. Paper Presentation at the Mid-South Educational Research Association 2008 Conference. Knoxville, TN.
Parker, M. R., Jordan, K. R., Pelchar, T., & Bain, S. K. Bullying and Victimization among Gifted and High-Achieving High School Students. Presentation at the Tennessee Association for the Gifted 2008 Conference, Chattanooga, TN.
Parker, M. R., Skinner, C., Saudargus, R. A. The Effects of a Differential Attention Intervention to Decrease Student Disruptive Behavior. Poster Presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 2008 Convention, Chicago, IL.
Parker, M. R. News Choices of College Students in Relationship to Sociopolitical Perspectives. Presentation at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville Graduate Student Colloquium 2008, Knoxville, TN.
Parker, M. R., Jordan, K.R., & Miller, K. B. Learning from gifted literature: Searching for evidenced-based practices. Poster presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2008 Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Krohn, K. R., Parker, M. R., Foster, L. N., & Williams, R. L. Randomized writing contingencies and performance on major multiple-choice exams. Poster presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2008 Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Parker, M. R., Jordan, K. R., Kirk, E. R., Miller, K. B., & Bain, S. K. Learning from gifted literature: The search for evidenced-based practices. Presentation at the Tennessee Association for the Gifted 2007 Conference, Brentwood, TN.
Krohn, K.,& Parker, M. Randomized writing contingencies and performance on major multiple-choice exams. Presentation at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville Graduate Student Colloquium 2007, Knoxville, TN.
Krohn, K., Jaspers, K. E., Parker, M., & Hautau, B. Differential daily writing conditions and performance on major multiple-choice exams. Paper presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2007Convention, New York, NY.
Jaspers, K., Parker, M., Krohn, K., & Williams, R. L. Differential daily writing contingencies and performance on multiple-choice exams. Paper presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists 2007 Convention, New York, NY.
Turner, H. C., Parker, M., Krohn, K., Hautau, B., & Williams, R. L. Differential daily writing conditions and performance on major multiple-choice exams. Presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis 2007 Convention, San Diego, CA.
Krohn, K., Parker, M., Carroll, E., Hautau, B., & Williams, R. L. Balanced cooperative learning contingencies: Independent versus dependent individual and group credit. Presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis 2007 Convention, San Diego, CA.
Invited Presentations
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2019). Teaching Tenacity Through Social-Emotional Learning: Linking Research to Practice. Presentation for Texas Association for Gifted and Talented 2019 Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2019). Let’s Talk: Social Emotional Needs of Gifted Children. Presentation for Texas Association for Gifted and Talented 2019 Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Mofield, E., & Parker Peters, M. (2019, August 20). Keys to Developing Tenacity and Resilience: Tips for Parents. Presentation for Williamson County Schools, Franklin, TN.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. (2018, June 26). Supporting Social Emotional Learning. Presentation for Nashville After Zone Alliance (NAZA), Nashville, TN.
Parker Peters, M. & Mofield, E. (2018, April 19). Understanding Perfectionism and Gifted Students. Presentation for Williamson County Schools, Franklin, TN.
Mofield, E. & Parker Peters, M. Healthy Perfectionism in Gifted Students. Presentation at the 2017 National Association for the Gifted Conference. Charlotte, NC.
Parker Peters, M. (2017, September 12). Giftedness and Perfectionism. Presentation for Rutherford County Schools, Murfreesboro, TN.
Parker Peters, M. (2017, September 12). Advocacy & Awareness: The Power of YOU. Keynote Presentation for Rutherford County Schools, Murfreesboro, TN.
Parker Peters, M. (2017, July 21). Supporting Creativity in Students. Lipscomb University Friends and Family Summit. Nashville, TN.
Parker Peters, M. (2017, June 5). Understanding Social Emotional Needs of Gifted Students. Presentation for Williamson County Schools, Franklin, TN.
Parker Peters, M. (2017, February 16). Giftedness and Perfectionism. Presentation for Williamson County Schools, Franklin, TN.
Parker Peters, M., & Mofield, E. (2017, January 19). Mindset and Perfectionism. Presentation for Metropolitan Nashville Public School Encore Parents, Nashville, TN.
Parker Peters, M., & Mofield, E. (2016, September 6). Social Emotional Needs of Gifted Students: What Can I Do? Presentation for Metropolitan Nashville Public School Gifted Teachers, Nashville, TN
Community Involvement
Mentor - Tennessee Achieves Mentoring Program for First Generation Students (February 2022- present)
Steering Committee - Nashville’s Blueprint for Early Childhood Success (August 2021- present)
Chair of Educational Psychology and Counseling Sub-Committee - University of Tennessee-Knoxville College of Education, Health, & Human Sciences Dean’s Board of Advisors (July 2020- present)
Publications Committee - National Association for Gifted Children (November 2019- present)
- Reviews and edits publications focused on improving research and practices for gifted children.
Editorial Advisory Board - Parenting for High Potential (November 2018- September 2020)
- Reviews and edits entries to publication focused on improving teaching and parenting practices for gifted children.
President - Tennessee Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges of Education (February 2018-October 2021)
- Bi-yearly conference preparation and planning, advocate for independent liberal arts colleges of education across the state
Parent Editorial Content & Advisory Board - National Association for Gifted Children (October 2017-October 2020)
Member - University of Tennessee-Knoxville College of Education, Health, & Human Sciences Dean’s Board of Advisors (March 2017- present)
Site Visitor - Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (July 2016-present)
- Review, critique, and provide feedback on accreditation evidence by colleges of teacher preparation.
Assessment Reviewer - Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (May 2016-January 2017)
- Review, critique, and provide feedback on assessment instruments submitted as accreditation evidence by colleges of teacher preparation.