Charlie Mcvey Jr
Foreign Languages
Adjunct Faculty
Charlie McVey began teaching German and Russian at Lipscomb in 1975, after serving as a Russian-German linguist in the US Air Force in Germany. Trained in historical Germanic linguistics (M.A. / Ph.D. – U. Tenn; Russian – USAF/Syracuse University), he has taught a wide range of courses in addition to all levels of the German program and Elementary Russian at Lipscomb (Old English - Russian Cultural History - the German Fairy Tale - Business German Right from the Start – The German Bible). Working closely with Lipscomb’s global learning program in Vienna, Austria, he also involves students in area multicultural service opportunities, sponsoring the on-campus organizations Germania, Keltae (the Celtic Society) and the Native American Interest Council. Summer grants have had him doing research in Vienna and studying the letters of German POW interned in Tennessee during World War II. He is an ‘1860s Civilian Reenactor’, has been shepherding a small herd of Scottish Shetland Sheep for wool production, and enjoys playing Celtic music.