John Lewis
Faith and Science Professorship
John Lewis is associate professor of Biology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. He received his bachelor of science degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from Tennessee Technological University in 2002 and his master of science in Wildlife Science from Auburn University in 2005 where he studied the effect of tropospheric ozone on plant nutrition. His doctoral work was completed at Texas A&M - Kingsville where he focused on factors influencing antler size in white-tailed deer. Lewis joined the biology faculty in 2011 and has taught Principles of Biology: Diversity and Ecology, Biology Capstone, Field Zoology, Ornithology, Limnology, Vertebrate Zoology, Desert Ecology and has co-taught Exploring Nature (a general education course integrating literature and science). His current research involves avian ecology through Warner Parks Nature Center where he mentors summer research students and student projects facilitated through the courses he teaches.