Richard Hughes
Provost's Office
Scholar in Residence
The scholarly interests of Richard Hughes, the Center's Scholar in Residence, have ranged from religion and race in America, to religion and American self-understanding, to religion and American higher education, to the history of restorationist traditions in the United States, especially the history of Churches of Christ, to the use of narrative in teaching. He has authored, co-authored, or edited 17 books including Myths America Lives By: White Supremacy and the Stories that Give Us Meaning (Illinois); Illusions of Innocence: Protestant Primitivism in America (Chicago, with Leonard Allen);The Vocation of a Christian Scholar: How Christian Faith can Sustain the Life of the Mind (Eerdmans); Christian America and the Kingdom of God (Illinois); and Reviving the Ancient Faith: The Story of Churches of Christ in America (Eerdmans). He has held teaching positions at Southwest Missouri State University, Abilene Christian University, Pepperdine University, and Messiah College.