Jeanne Fain
Grad Ed-English Language Learning
Program Director of ELL
Jeanne Gilliam Fain is a professor in the College of Education at Lipscomb University and she is the Director of MLL/ELL program. Her scholarship agenda includes a focus on Literacy, Literature, and Language Study in K-12 classrooms. She writes grants for school/university partnerships. She conducts research on critical conversations around global texts with multilingual learners and their families in local school partnerships. She served as past chair for two years (2020/2021 & 2019/2020) of the Notable in Children’s Language Arts Award and she currently serves as a co-chair of the Notable Books for a Global Society for the next three years. She is a literacy consultant and board member for the nonprofit, Youth Encouragement Services. She recently was the recipient of the 2021 Dean’s Award for her exceptional service through outstanding teaching, scholarship and service in the College of Education at Lipscomb University. She teaches literacy, global literature, language acquisition, culture & community, and research courses.
Jeanne has worked with three major and local partnerships including critical elements of a MNPS/Lipscomb ELL/MLL partnership, three partnerships at JE Moss Elementary (Camp Explore, Spark Grant Partnership, & Worlds of Words Teacher PD Partnership), and a recent Family Engage & Lit Partnership with Youth Encouragement Services. Implications for teacher education and multilingual learning were a part of these partnerships
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. Language, Reading, and Culture
College of Education, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona December 2003
Areas of concentration: Biliteracy Early Literacy
Dissertation title: Children’s Dialogue about Issues of Language Diversity and Culture. Kathy G. Short, Ph.D., Chair
M.Ed. Elementary Education
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 1993
Areas of concentration: Bilingual Education, English as a Second Language
B.S., Elementary Education
Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ 1990
Minor: Spanish
Academic Department
- EGEL 5043/6043: Curriculum Design & Instruction in the ELL Classroom
- EGEL 5053/6053: Culture, Communication, and Community in the ELL Classroom
- EGEL 5013/6013: Theory & Practice in Second Language Acquisition
- EGEL 5033/6033: Grammar for ELL Teachers
- EGEL 5203/EGEL 6203: Global Literature in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms
Research Interests
- Early Literacy & Literacy in K-8 Classrooms
- Critical Conversations around Global Culturally responsive, and social justice texts
- Children’s and Adolescents’ Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Literature
- Children’s and Family-led literature discussions
- Linguistic Diversity and Schooling
Research and Publications
- Fain, J. (Ed.), Ahiya, V., Bemiss, E., Fain, J., R., Leigh, R., Schall, J.Summerlin, J., K. Will (2020). CLA Notables. Journal of Children’s Literature.
- Fain, J. (Ed.) , Ahiya, V., Bemiss, E., Fain, J., R., Leigh, R., Schall, J.Summerlin, J., K. Will (2020). CLA Notables. Journal of Children’s Literature.
- Alaniz, C., Bemiss, E., Fain, J., R., Leigh, R., Summerlin, J., (2019). CLA Notables. Journal of Children’s Literature.
- Alaniz, C., Bemiss, E., Fain, J., R., Leigh, R., Summerlin, J., (2019). CLA Notables. Language Arts.
- Schall, J., Fain, J., Lopez-Robertson (2019). Arte reaches beyond the word: Examining agency and immigration in My Diary from Here to There/Mi Diario de aqui hasta Alla. Dragon Lode.
- Schall, J., Lopez-Robertson, J. & Fain, J. (2019). Examining the Visual in Latinx Immigrant Journey Picture books. In Short, K., Johnson, H. & Mathis, J., Critical Content Analysis of Visuals. Routledge.
- Parker-Peters, M., Fain, J., & Duncan, S. (2018). Explore for More: Enhancing Students’ Literacy Through a School-Family-University Partnership. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies.
- Porter, D., Corbin, S., Bean-Folkes, J., Alaniz, C., Leigh, R., Sanders, J., & Fain, J. (2018) CLA Notables. Journal of Children’s Literature.
- Lowery, R.M., & Fain, J.G. (2017). Embracing Imagination & Opening the Imaginative World through the Exposure of Story: An Interview with Kevin Henkes. Journal of Children’s Literature.
- Giorgis, C. Cappiello, M.A., Fain, J.G., Graff.J., & Riley, Scott (2017). Children’s Literature Reviews. 2017 Orbis Pictus Winners. Language Arts.
- Giorgis, C., Cappiello, M.A., Fain, J. G., Le Jeune, M., Lowery, R.L., & Riley, Scott (2016). Children’s Literature Reviews: 2016 Orbis Pictus Winners. Language Arts.
- Adomat, D.S., Lowery, R.M., Fain, J. G. (2016). Telling Stories That Are Needed: An Interview with Christopher Myers. Journal of Children’s Literature. 42 (2), 56-61.
- Fain, J.G. (2016). Young Bilingual Children Engaging in Book Discussion (Extension). In R. J. Meyer & Whitmore, K. (Eds.). Reclaiming Early Childhood Literacies. Routledge
- Fain, J. G. (2016). Creating intentional space for the integration of intercultural literature and perspectives, and close reading. In Day, D., Schroeder, J., & Short, K. (2016). Teaching Globally: Reading the World Through Literature. Stenhouse.
- Fain, J.G. & Unkefer, L.C. (2015). Middle School Adolescents Developing Critical Stances Around Difference in Young Adolescent Literature in Literature Circles. In Stratman, J. (2015) (Dis)Abilities and Young Adult Literature: Critical Reading, Pedagogy, and Literary Theory.
- Giorgis, C., Fain, J.G., Herbeck, J., Le Jeune, M., Lowery, R.L., Richardson, M., Sullivan, E. (2015). Children’s Literature Reviews: 2015 Orbis Pictus Winners. Language Arts.
- Shrodt, K., Fain, J., Hasty, M. (2015). Exploring culturally relevant texts with kindergartners and their families. Reading Teacher. 68 (8),589-598.
Hasty, M. & Fain, J.G. (2014). Emergent Understandings: Multilingual Fourth Grade Students Generating Close Reading and Multimodal Responses to Global & Informational Texts. Perspectives on Urban Education. 11(2)
Relevant Experience
- 5/2021 Families Explore, Engage, & Interact Critically with Books $10,000 (Dollar General Family Literacy Grant) Fifteen families will participate in specially-designed literacy activities to promote motivation to read with a focus on comprehension strategies in a literacy-center format that will highlight a unique element of the books in a fun format.
- 5/2021 EL MNPS/Lipscomb Partnership Grant (MNPS K-12 Schools) $1,600,000 Prepare ELL Teachers for ELL Certification for Title 1 K-12 Schools in MNPS Including Coaching Component, Book Selection, and preparation for ELL praxis
- 8/2020 Worlds of Words Grant: University/JE Moss Partnership $1,000 Continue inquiry into visual and content analysis as an instructional Strategy with global literature in multilingual classrooms Professional Development
- 5/2020 ATSI Grant: Addendum to ELL MNPS/Lipscomb Partnership Grant $183, 375 Provide certification courses for 25 MNPS teachers as part of the Summer Multilingual/ELL Certification Program
- 8/2019 Worlds of Words Grant: University/JE Moss Partnership $1,000 Study global literacy and visual analysis in global literature Professional Development
- 8/2019 ELL MNPS/Lipscomb Partnership Grant (Antioch/McMurray Middle) $180,000 Prepare ELL Teachers for ELL Certification for teachers at Antioch Middle & McMurray Middle School, includes coaching Component, book selection, and preparation for ELL praxis
- 10/2018 Spark Grant (Nashville Public Education Foundation) $15,000 15 Multilingual Families with excelling, proficient, and emerging Second Grade Readers discussing critical and global texts
- 6/2018 Read to be Ready Grant: Camp Explore 3.0: Reading & Writing in Nashville $95,000 Summer literacy camp. 80 students will experience high quality literacy camp experience. Goal of improving literacy achievement.
- 2/2017 Read to be Ready Grant: Camp Explore 2.0: Reading & Writing in Nashville $82,000 Summer literacy camp was selected as an exemplary site for TN. 9 out of 23 were selected. 80 students will be experiencing high quality literature and authentic literacy experiences.
- 5/2016 Ready to be Ready Grant: Camp Explore: Reading & Writing in Nashville $30,000 12 grant recipients selected from 220 applications Only Middle TN/MNPS grant selected Summer Literacy Camp aimed at facilitating authentic and supportive reading and writing skills for first-third multilingual learners and family backpack program at J. E. Moss
- 1/2016 Read Indeed Grant: $5000.00 JE Moss Partnership. 4,000 books were purchased by Scholastic and were used within the school as part of a family literacy night and then sent home with families.
- 6/2015 Summer Lipscomb Faculty Grant Integrating Critical Comprehension Strategies Across Content Areas
- 5/2013 Tennessee Board of Regents Faculty Research Grant: $60,000 Fain, J. & Howard, M. (TN TECH) The Family and Schooling Literacy Project: Families and Schools Generating Close Readings
- 9/2011 World of Words & Longview Foundation: $1000.00 Global Perspectives of Literacy in K-2 Classrooms
- 4/2011 Public Service Grant, $3,892.00: International Perspectives of Literacy in K-2 Classrooms
- 1/2010 ITD Grant Using Technology to Enhance Adolescent Literacy in a University School Partnership
- 11/2005 NCTE Teacher Research Grant, $12,500.00: Fain, Lopez-Robertson, & Horn: Young Bilingual Learners Unraveling the Word and the World: Social Action in the Classroom
- 9/2005 C&I Faculty-Doctoral Research Award, $2,000.00: Multiple Lenses and Shifting Views: Researching a SEI Course
- Partnerships: MNPS ELL/MLL Partnership, J.E. Moss Literacy Research Project, Youth Encouragement Services
- 10/2022 Bonnie Campbell Hill National Teacher Leader Literacy Award 4/2021 Dean’s Award: Recognized for Outstanding service in teaching, partnerships, and scholarship
- 11/2018 Recognized by MNPS Board for Participation in Summer Reading Partners Pilot
- 4/2021 Dean’s Award: Recognized for Outstanding service in teaching, partnerships, and scholarship
- 11/2018 Recognized by MNPS Board for Participation in Summer Reading Partners Pilot
- 4/2016 Nominated for Outstanding Teacher Award
- 2/2013 Nominated for Outstanding Teacher Award from MTSU Foundation
- 9/2012 TN Board of Regents Fellow
- 5/2010 Certificate of Excellence in Mentoring MTSU Disabled Services
Talks and Presentations
Local and National Scholarly Presentations
- “2020 Notable Books (Chair).” November 21, 2020. NCTE Annual Conference. (Zoom)
- “Gifted and Multilingual Learners: How can we effectively identify, support, & serve?” November 5, 2020.NAGC 67th Annual Conference. (Zoom)
- “Current Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Children's and Adolescent's Literature in the K-8 Classroom/” September 26, 2020. Middle TN Writing Project. (Zoom)
- “Book Selection for Summer Camps/Alignment.” May 28, 2020. Nashville, TN. (Zoom)
- “Blue Print Virtual Literacy Chat/Summer Literacy Learning.” May 27, 2020. (Zoom) Nashville, TN.
- “Critical Literacy/Overview.” April 2, 2020. Ohio State University (Class). (Zoom)
- “2019 Notable Books.” November 23, 2019. NCTE. Baltimore, MD.
- “Fostering Family Engagement through Literary Inquiry with Dr. Sarah Duncan.” November 22, 2019. NCTE. Baltimore, MD.
- “2018 Notable Books. “ November 17, 2018. NCTE. Houston, Texas.
- “The Challenges of Discussion of Critical Issues in the Classroom.” October 9, 2018. Belmont University. Nashville, TN.
- “My Journey as a Researcher in Academia: Tips for New Academics.” Sept. 26, 2018, Center for Teaching & Learning. Lipscomb University. Nashville, TN.
- “Current Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Texts in the K-8 Classroom.” Sept. 28, 2018. Lipscomb University. Nashville, TN.
- “Invited Address: Notable Books in the Classroom for Local Librarians in Maury County.” Maury County, TN. June 5, 2018.
- "2017 Orbis Pictus and Charlotte Huck Honor Book Award-Winning Authors and Illustrators Share Their Stories and Insights.” (Co-presenters Orbis Pictus and Charlotte Huck Committee). November 18, 2017. NCTE. St. Louis, Missouri.
- “From Summer Slide to Literacy Ladder: Designing a Summer Camp to Grow Young Readers.” (co-presenter, Sarah Duncan). November 17, 2017. NCTE. St. Louis, Missouri.
- “Orbis Pictus Award-Winning Books: Sharing Nonfiction with Children.” (Co-presenters Orbis Pictus Award Committee). November 17, 2017. NCTE. St. Louis, Missouri.
- “Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Children’s Literature for K-8 Classroom.” September 29, 2017. Invited Professional Development Session. Nashville, Tennessee.
- “Reflective Teaching Practice: Creating Immediate Change & Impact for Students.” (co-presenter, Lisa Bruce). September 13, 2017. Fortify Conference. Nashville, Tennessee.
- “Read, Bake, Build, Make: Designing a Literacy Camp to Fight the Summer Slide.”(co-presenter, Sarah Duncan.) July 17, 2017. International Literacy Association Conference. Orlando, Florida.
- “Enhancing Students’ Literacy Through a School-Family-University Partnership”. (co-presenter Megan Parker Peters.) March 3, 2017. AACTE Poster Session. Tampa, Florida.
- “Growth Mindset: Unraveling Teacher Sacred Selection of Literature”. (co-presenter Lisa Bruce. Feb. 28, 2017. AMLE Workshop. Kansas City, Missouri.
- “Exploring Current Informational, Global, Multilingual and Award-Winning Children’s Literature.” (co-presenters with Sarah Duncan & Leslie Gautsch). Dec. 4, 2016. TN Reading Association. Murfreesboro, TN.
- “Advocating for Children’s Literature in All Classrooms. (co-presenters Julia Lopez-Robertson & Janine Schall). Nov. 20, 2016. NCTE. Atlanta, GA.
- “Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction for Children Session. (co-presenters Maryanne Cappiello, Cyndi Giorgis, Marie Lejeune, Marianne Richardson, Scott Riley, & Ruth Lowery). Nov. 19, 2016. NCTE. Atlanta, GA.
- “Comprehension Strategies that Promote Critical Thinking-And You can use them in your class tomorrow.” Nov. 7, 2016, (co-presenters with Lisa Bruce, Katie Batson, Lucinda Burris, Emily Reed, and Jane Thomas) TN Assoc. of Independent Schools. Chattanooga, TN.
- “How and Intentional Focus on Questioning Changed Our School.” Nov. 7, 2016 (co-presenter with Lisa Bruce). TN Assoc. of Independent Schools.
- “Explore for More: Enhancing Students’ Literacy Through a School-Family-University Initiative.” Oct. 24, 2016 (co-presenter Dr. Megan Parker Peters). Nashville, TN.
- “Reading the Word & The World: Exploring Current, Multilingual & Informational Texts.” Sept. 23rd, & Sept. 30th & Nov. 11th, 2016. (Sumner & MNPS teachers) Lipscomb University. Nashville, TN.
- “Unraveling Teacher Sacred Selection of Literature: Reframing Literature Selection in the Language Arts Curriculum.” July 9, 2016. (co-presenters with Lisa Bruce, Katie Batson, Lucinda Burris, and Christine McNutt). ILA. Boston, MA.
- “Exploring Current Multilingual, Informational, Global, and Award-Winning Texts. March 18, 2016. (co-presenter with Lipscomb Graduate Student, Leilani Greene.) TNTESOL, Murfreesboro, TN.
- “Reading the World Through Children’s and Adolescent Literature.” Jan. 17, 2015. Invited Session for Vanderbilt’s Propel Program. Nashville, TN.
- “Differentiation of Instruction.” Jan. 5, 2015. Franklin Special School District. Franklin, TN.
- “Young Children Draw on their Knowledge their knowledge of Language and Culture to Reframe Close Reading in Literature Discussion.” Nov. 21, 2015. NCTE. Minneapolis, MN.
- “Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction for Children Session. (co-presenters Cyndi Giorgis, Marie Lejeune, Joyce Herbeck, Marianne Richardson, & Ruth Lowery). Nov. 20, 2015. NCTE. Minneapolis, MN.
- “Multilingual Students Using Linguistic and Cultural Knowledge through talk across informational texts.” Oct. 23, 2015. NAC WCCI Conference. Brentwood, TN.
- “Comprehension: Research for Teaching and Learning Fellowship.” co-presenter Lisa Bruce. TAIS Conference. Nashville, TN.
- “Integrating Critical Comprehension Strategies Across the Content Areas in Middle School Instruction: Research at LAMS (co-presenters with Lisa Bruce, Libby Barker, Katie Batson, Lucinda Burris, Audree Keele, & Jane Thomas). July 20, 2015. International Literacy Conference: Middle School Reading Special Interest Group. St. Louis, Missouri.
- “Multilingual Power PD Part1: Books, Language, and Discussion.” July 11, 2015. Lipscomb University. Nashville, TN.
- “Keeping Current: Learning about Global, Nonfiction, and Fiction for the K-8 Classroom. June 26, 2015. Summer Alumni Summit, Nashville, TN.
- “Reading literature with an eye for writing.” May 9, 2015. Lipscomb Literacy Conference. Lipscomb University. Nashville, TN.
- “Global Inquiry and Community Collaboration: Using Children’s and Adolescent Literature in Secondary Content Classroom (co-presenters, Tracy Smiles, Janine Schall).” November 22, 2015. NCTE. Washington D.C.
- “Integrating Critical Comprehension Strategies Across the Content Areas in Middle School (co-presenters with Lisa Bruce, Emily Reed, Lucinda Burriss, & Franklin Bennett .” October 11, 2014. ACEPP Conference. Lipscomb University. Nashville, TN.
- “Books for the Classroom and the Home: Exploring Current Informational, Global & Award-Winning Titles.” June 27, 2014. Lipscomb University. Nashville, TN.
- “Lamplighters fighting for Literacy for All.” Invited Session. June 13, 2014. Philanthropic Education Organization. Franklin, TN.
- “Close Reading Apps in the Classroom.” (co-presenter Hope Nordstrom). April 5, 2014. Ignite 2.0. Lipscomb University. Nashville, TN.
- “Practical Strategies for Close Reading with English Learners in Elementary Classrooms.” (Co-presenter Molly Martin). March 20, 2014. TN TESOL. Nashville, TN.
- “Reinventing the Research Paper with Multi-Genre Writing” (co-presenter Schrodt, K. & Fitzpatrick, E.). November 23, 2013. NCTE Conference. Boston, MA.
- Emergent Understandings of The Schooling Literacy Project: Diverse Schools Generating Close Readings and Critical Responses to Global and Informational Texts. (co-presenter M. Howard, M. Hasty, M. Maxwell, & Schrodt, K.). October 4, 2013. ACEPP Conference. Memphis, TN.
- “Current Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Children’s Literature and Close Reading Strategies in the Common Core.” February 3, 2013. Invited Speaker. Trevecca Nazarene University. Nashville, Tennessee.
- “The Lamplighters: The Preservation of Literacy and Recent Children’s Literature.” December 7, 2012. Invited Speaker. Lewisburg Study Club. Lewisburg, Tennessee.
- “Constructing Critical Knowledge and Response in the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Elementary Classroom with critical and global texts. November 17, 2012. NCTE Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada.
- “Global Perspectives Of Literacy in K-2 Classrooms. November 18, 2012. Hobgood Literacy Community. NCTE Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Invited Session by TBR, “Exploring and Interacting with Multiple Methods of Data Analysis in School and Classroom Based Research. “ (co-presenter Martha Howard from Tennessee Technological University.). October 15, 2012. Qualitative Conference. Clarksville, TN.
- “Constructing Critical Response with Critical Texts and Young Learners.(co-presenter Suze Gilbert.). October 12, 2012. TAEYC Conference. Murfreesboro, TN.
- “Reclaiming Reading: Teachers, Students, and Researchers Regaining Spaces for Thinking and Action (CELT).” Co-presenters from CELT. May 2, 2012. International Reading Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
- “Codeswitching among Latino Children and in Latino Children’s Literature.” November 30, 2011. Literacy Research Conference. Jacksonville, Florida.
- “Invited Discussion Facilitator, for Kathy Short’s NCTE award.” November 17, 2011. NCTE Conference. Chicago, IL.
- “Supporting Urban and Bilingual Families as Writers.” Sept. 24, 2011. Middle Tennessee State Writing Project Conference. Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
- “English Learners Making Sense of Print: A Beginning.” July 2011. ELL Writing Institute. Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
- “Young Urban Bilingual Preschoolers’ Engagement & Response with Critical Texts.” April 10, 2011. American Education Research Association Conference. New Orleans, LA.
- “Young Urban Bilingual Preschooler’s Response with Critical Literature.” April 8, 2011. Scholar’s Week. Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
- “Critical Discussion & Family Book Clubs: An Overview.” March 29, 2011. Hobgood Elementary. Murfreesboro, Tennessee
- “Let’s Talk: Creating Parent-Child Book clubs.” March 12, 2011. Tucson Book Festival, Tucson, Arizona.
- “Family Book Clubs (co-authored with Debbie Rowe).” January 19, 2011. Literacy Studies Colloquium. Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
- “Using Technology to Enhance Adolescent Literacy in a University-School Partnership.” October, 27, 2011. Instructional Technology and Innovative Teaching Share Fair. Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
- “Exploring Conversations and Connections with Critically Conscious Literature.” Nov. 19, 2009. NCTE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Moving Toward Global Understanding: Multiple Perspectives of International Children’s Literature with Preservice Teachers and Inservice Teachers.” Oct. 3, 2009. USBBY. St. Charles, Illinois.
Community Involvement
Local Service In-State & Schools
- 2020 to present Book Chats (Authors Presents their books to Teachers on Zoom)
- 2019 to present Global Literacy PD PLC JE Moss
- 2019 to present Antioch & McMurray Middle School (ELL Partnership)
- 2019 to present Board Member for Youth Encouragement Services & Literacy Lead
- 2018 to 2019 JE Moss (Culturize Book Study, Spark Grant-In Process)
- 2018 to 2019 Cole Elementary (Teaching ELL Endorsement Classes)
- 2018 to 2019 Lipscomb Academy Fellowship: Writing Initiative 5th-12th Grade
- 2017 to present Pre-8th Alignment Team MNPS: Literacy Team
- 2017 to 2019 TN Literacy Teacher Education Network (Worked on Literacy Standards for the State)
- 2017 to present Super Summer Partnership (ELL Endorsement Classes with Lead, Knowledge & MNPS schools)
- 2016 to 2017 Lakeview Elementary Partnership (Taught Courses & Directed Family Lit. night as field experience)
- 2015 to present J.E. Moss Partnership (Directed Several Literacy Nights & Read to Be Ready Camp)
- 2014 to present Lipscomb Academy Middle School Fellowship (Focus: PD & Coaching on Comprehension & Writing)
- 2013 to 2015 Cane Ridge Elementary, Cane Ridge, TN (Close Reading Strategies)
- 2012 to 2013 Cornersville Elementary, Cornersville, TN, International Texts and Rural Schools
- 2011 to 2012 Hobgood Elementary Service Project: International Perspectives of Literacy in K-2 Classrooms
- 2011 to May 2012 New Hope Academy: Family Backpacks & Talk
- 2011 to May 2012 Glenview Elementary: Preschoolers & Bilingual Talk