Kevin Batts
Institute for Law, Justice and Society
Adjunct Faculty
Kevin Batts; J.D., M.B.A., is an Adjunct Professor of Evidence & Criminal Investigation, Ethics & Laws of Compliance and The Law & Drug Enforcement. Batts is the Recovery Court Director and Attorney for the 23rd Judicial District. He serves on the Board of Directors and as Legal Counsel for the Twenty-Third District Judicial Advocates, Inc., a non-profit corporation that assists individuals that are navigating the judicial process and provides financial support to their families. He is a past-president of the Tennessee Association of Recovery Courts. Batts’ previous government service included 17 years as Deputy Director of the State Public Defender system and 17 years with the USDA. He was also the weekend News Anchor for WSM, WLAC, and WMAK Radio stations for 32 years. He has served on the Tennessee Radio Hall of Fame Board of Directors, and was three times inducted into the Hall of Fame as a staff member of Radio Stations of the Year. Batts and his wife, Debbie, are members of the Mt. Juliet Church of Christ where he serves as deacon of a youth leadership program.