Aaron Howard Appointed Assistant Professor of Ethics, Reconciliation
May 10, 2021

Lipscomb’s College of Bible and Ministry and George Shinn College of Entertainment and the Arts has appointed Aaron Howard as assistant professor of ethics and reconciliation.
Howard will teach graduate courses in Hazelip School of Theology, undergraduate courses in the CEA’s Worship Arts program as well as organize and lead the university’s first gospel choir.
“He is a man who brings a rare combination of three things: top-level Bible and theology training, expertise and long experience in worship ministry, and a passionate commitment to Christ. I am thrilled that he is joining the Lipscomb faculty,” says Leonard Allen, dean of the College of Bible and Ministry.
Howard’s background as both educator and minister demonstrates that commitment. He has taught at an elementary school in Los Angeles, Christ Presbyterian Academy in Nashville, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary and Vanderbilt Divinity School, where he received his Ph.D. in religion, ethics and society. Prior to his Lipscomb appointment, Howard was the Director of Diversity, Community and Inclusion at Franklin Road Academy he oversaw all diversity and inclusion initiatives. He has also served as a worship minister in a number of congregations.
“Christian education at its best doesn’t just teach to inform minds but seeks to transform our loves,” says Howard. “We can become so academic in our theological pursuits that we can talk about Jesus without really knowing who he is. God gives us our minds for reflection and cognition and also calls us into worship and deep communion with him.”
The gospel choir will offer Lipscomb students a new avenue to engage God in worship. “Reverent worship does not have to be just contemplative and reflective,” he said. “It can be emphatic and exuberant. Gospel music is embodied. It’s affective, rhythmic, and visceral. It draws on the black tradition in which I was raised. Your whole body is engaged when you sing gospel music—you sing full-throated and with emotional intensity. It’s also one of the most popular music forms in the world. I definitely look forward to introducing it to the Lipscomb community.”
He said the choir will also offer Lipscomb students a new way to engage with each other. “I am passionate about the multi-cultural church and I believe music is one of the best ways to build community. I hope that a natural result of spending this kind of time together in worship will be the formation of deep, meaningful, significant cross-cultural relationships,” said Howard.
Randy Gill, assistant CEA dean and director of the worship arts program, said, “Aaron Howard will be an invaluable addition. He brings a depth of experience and scholarship to his new role. As an experienced worship leader and teacher, he is well prepared to serve our students in the classroom, as the director of a new gospel choir, and as a mentor to young worship leaders.”
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