Christian Identity
Lipscomb’s identity is made up of many different parts—our academics, our location, our history, our faculty and staff, our students, our alumni.

Students take part in a prayer vigil in Bison Square.
But the most important aspect of what makes us who we are, individually and collectively, is our identity in Christ. Here at Lipscomb, we often say “what grounds us is what grows us,” and that couldn’t be more true when it comes to faith. We believe that it is our grounding in our Christian identity that allows us to grow, transform and flourish as we pursue our callings from God.
Our Christian identity was formed more than 125 years ago by our founders, ministers David Lipscomb and James A. Harding, and it still plays an important role in shaping the university today. Through acts of service, spiritual formation, and our Christian heritage, we stand on a strong foundation of faith that allows us to impact our communities and go confidently into the future pursuing our purpose. At Lipscomb, you will engage in challenging academics, opportunities for spiritual formation, and intentional service-learning that will combine to prepare you to live out your ministry and discover more of God’s call on your life.
Though our heritage is found in the Christian tradition, today our students come from many religious traditions to study at Lipscomb, where they are welcome to explore and expand their faith.