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At Lipscomb Academy, students are prepared to deal with relevant issues and topics in society by drawing on the themes of hope, love and reconciliation in God’s narrative.

Your student’s awareness of their community and how their gifts can benefit that community each year of high school are expanded in our service-learning program, culminating in a year-long senior capstone service-learning project. These concepts are already prevalent for your child long before high school with our Love in Action and  Missions and Ministry programs in the elementary school, helping your child to identify the gifts God has blessed them with in order to use those gifts as they serve in God’s Kingdom.

Love In Action

This lower school program equips your child by teaching them about communities that are often overlooked by society. They then encounter those groups of people — such as immigrants, veterans, the elderly or those with disabilities — through interactions with guest speakers in the classroom. With a focus on how Jesus loved people, the program prepares students to engage with similar groups throughout their lives with an awareness that all people are created in the image of God.

Service Learning

Service learning is experiential learning that enriches your child’s academic experience by guiding them to use course material to serve others, a mutually beneficial process for the community and your children. For students in grades 9-12, Lipscomb Academy integrates service learning into the curriculum at each grade level.

Each year is focused on an essential question: