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Chapel & Devotionals


At Lipscomb, chapel is a vibrant, engaging experience that also allows girls and boys of every age to practice spiritual leadership. Students plan worship, lead worship and reflect on their worship in small groups. They share testimonies of faith, suggest ideas to express through worship and are introduced to spiritual practices they are later encouraged to live out. This is all because we believe that the more your child encounters God’s presence, the more they will perceive God’s activity in all aspects of life.

Chapel Practicum

Juniors and seniors are selected by an application process to participate in this daily course where students plan chapel worship services as well as facilitate small group discussions. Chapel Practicum students also work to create each year’s spiritual formation theme. Assignments are geared around helping your child come to know Jesus Christ. Out of this love and relationship with Christ, comes “chapel” as students attempt to convey what they have learned and experienced in the class to the rest of the student body.

Lower School Chapel

Rarely does a week go by that your elementary school-age children are not actively engaged in chapel. That engagement comes in many forms: through learning Scripture, using hand motions as memory aids, leading huddle groups where older students facilitate discussions of special memories, talents and gifts, participating in programs and presentations designed to associate spiritual concepts with daily life or displaying the strengths and gifts God has planted in each student.