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Spiritual Formation

God’s narrative on Earth includes each and every one of us. God is inviting you to be a part of the story He is writing in the world today as well as tomorrow.

little child with eyes closed

Life at Lipscomb Academy is a daily, personal process of growing more aware of God’s presence and becoming more like Christ, through the Spirit. Members of the Lipscomb community strive to live in right relationship with God, ourselves and others, in every dimension of life.

Spiritual formation is woven into everything we do, including academics. Science experiments become an opportunity to recognize the power and activity of God on earth. Historical events become a chance to discuss relevant issues and topics in society today. Journaling on literature becomes your child’s doorway to see how their life is a part of God’s bigger story. Faith is integrated into Lipscomb’s curriculum through foundational standards that teachers use to teach students how to engage the world with Kingdom vision, how to encounter God’s presence, how to see all people as created in God’s image, and more.

2020-21 Theme

Rooted in Christ

“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:17-19

Each spring semester, our high school chapel practicum class creates the upcoming academic year’s theme. Once again, they have done an outstanding job putting together a theme that will help us focus on the roots of our faith and the life of Christ.

Our Programs


Lipscomb Academy chapels are more than traditional. They are an experience where your child can encounter Jesus. A group of high school student leaders spend time everyday planning chapels that are about formation, not entertainment, and in the elementary grades, students are routinely involved in presenting chapel messages through drama, facilitated discussions, interactive games and performances.

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The best kind of life to live is one focused on loving God through loving others. We foster a spirit of service by providing opportunities for your child, at any age, to serve our local community, and all seniors are placed in nonprofit organizations across the city to carry out capstone service-learning projects. These experiences prepare your child to live out their faith into adulthood in a complex world.

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One of the core values instilled by our spiritual formation program is that all people on earth are created in God’s image. National and international mission opportunities are one of the most impactful ways we equip your child to respond to others in different circumstances with love and respect. This year more than 100 students will participate in mission trips to as many as eight locations.

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Leadership & Mentoring

Your child is a spiritual leader in the making, and everything we do is designed to equip them to be ready to go where the Lord leads them. Specifically designed programs across all grade levels prepare students to become positive change agents through opportunities to minister to and serve the Lipscomb community, to build unlikely relationships with students and teachers across grade levels, and to serve as peer models for other students.

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Relationship. Presence. Image. Relevance. Giftedness. Service.

Spiritual formation should be displayed in the life of your child in real and meaningful ways. Our strongest desire is to see our students live more like Jesus and become disciples with an active, living faith.