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Oh, the drama! Theatre is so much more!

Academy - Our Town, fall 2019 play

Our Town, fall 2019 play

From the mathematics and architecture of set building, to understanding classic literature and historical influences, from budgeting a production to exploring human emotions and life's choices, students in Lipscomb’s theatre arts classes and productions not only build confidence by performing on stage, but also learn to bring their creative spark to every other aspect of study and life.

Elementary and early middle grade theatrical programs give our students the opportunity to experience public performance, while providing opportunities for all students to be involved in some capacity.

Middle and upper grades theatrical productions from Shakespeare to Broadway are staged several times a year in our on-site proscenium stage facility, Acuff Chapel. These productions are often held in collaboration with Lipscomb University’s Department of Theatre and Entertainment & Technical Services, allowing our students to be exposed to university-level instruction and dramaturgy as well as professional-level technical resources and training. Each academic year includes at least two plays, at least one being a musical, and also one-act showcases.

Lipscomb Academy high school students have the option to take theatre arts classes as part of their high school curriculum or enroll in various dual credit courses at Lipscomb University in choreography and theatrical arts.

Through a dual appointment with Lipscomb University, high school theatre director Kari Smith has brought additional opportunities for on-site instruction in various forms of dance to the academy. Learn more about the Lipscomb Academy School of Dance.

Lipscomb Academy’s annual performances regularly involve students with passions as diverse as musical theatre to football, from chemistry to literature. There are also options for students who want to pursue drama in a different way: the academy offers a speech and mock trial team, which provides individual and ensemble performance opportunities. The school's drama clubs, FAME and SRO (Standing Room Only), allow students to earn membership in the International Thespian Society.

2020-21 Performances TBA

Academy theater performance