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Each year hundreds of families entrust their children’s education to Lipscomb Academy as they invest in their future. Our community invests in the lives of our students through an educational experience that ignites a passion for lifelong learning. Many invest their time and talents in our school to enhance the student experience. And each year parents, faculty, staff, alumni, grandparents and friends invest financially in Lipscomb Academy to support our mission and students.

Time, talent and financial contributions are important ways to support our unique mission. Tuition funds a large portion of what it costs to educate our students, but it does not fully cover the cost for each student. Every aspect of Lipscomb Academy life — from our spiritual growth and character development opportunities, academic, fine arts, athletics and more — is impacted by your investment in the students. From the very youngest student just beginning the educational journey at age two to one who is ready to graduate, your gift makes an impact. Every gift — no matter the size — changes lives.

We invite you to explore the various ways you can support Lipscomb Academy.

Annual Fund

The annual fund is the school’s top fundraising priority and simply put, it bridges the gap between tuition and the total cost of educating Lipscomb Academy students. A gift to the annual fund is an important one because it supports every area of the school. Each gift provides operating dollars that support financial aid, technology resources, spiritual formation, faculty development and more – ensuring our students receive a distinctive faith-based educational experience that prepares them to lead and serve.

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The Art Event

Each year the community comes to the Lipscomb Academy campus for the Art Event, a fine art sale and exhibit and one of the school’s single-largest annual fundraising programs. Artists from across the country bring their artwork to sell at the Art Event. Proceeds benefit the Lipscomb Academy Annual Fund, which provides additional resources for programs and facilities for Lipscomb Academy.

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Ways to Give

Every gift is an investment in the life of a student and in their future. There are many ways to invest in Lipscomb Academy and to support the mission and our students.

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Mustang Athletic Club

We are all MUSTANGS… from the smallest among us to those who have gone before! It is time for us all to gather in Purple and Gold UNITY to further the MIGHTY tradition of excellence at every level of Lipscomb Academy – lower and upper school. The mission of the Mustang Athletic Club is to serve the student athletes of Lipscomb Academy through the generation of financial, volunteer and fan support. The MAC works closely with the administration and coaches to accomplish this for all athletic programs at Lipscomb Academy.

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Meet the Team

We have a team of investment professionals who are passionate about Lipscomb Academy. They are ready to serve you and to help you learn more about investing in the lives of our students.

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