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Host an International Student

Our homestay program gives Global Students a home away from home during their time here. If you are interested in serving international students as a host family, you're in the right place.



Class of 2020 graduate Jiaqing Yan from Jinan, China, with his host family

Class of 2020 graduate Jiaqing Y. from Jinan, China, with his host family

Host families open up their houses, but they also open up their lives to Global Students — and their own families end up being tremendously blessed.

Our host families are screened, trained, supported, and reimbursed by Lipscomb.  Families abroad can feel confident that their children are placed in nurturing families well connected to our school. As a host family, you'll receive ongoing support from us as we partner together. 

Ready to become a host family?

Begin by reviewing the handbook and completing an application.  

Prince Kazi and his host family

Our international students need you.

"Eight thousand twenty-four miles away I found my new home at Lipscomb Academy.” — Prince K., Class of 2019 from Sylhet, Bangladesh

Sydney Williamson and Michelle Luo

Host siblings make never-ending bonds.

“She is my sister… forever.” —Sydney W. and Yan L., Class of 2020


You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself.
Isaiah 19:34
Host Family of Academy International Student

"We knew God was calling us to step out of our comfort zone, but we didn't know exactly what He was asking us to do until the opportunity to host an exchange student came along. We were blessed to host Sam for a year, and it was an incredible experience we will never forget.  Sam became part of our family, and we have continued to keep in touch with him to this day. When he was applying for college from Vietnam, he asked us to review his application essay, and our hearts swelled when we read what he wrote. He talked about being an exchange student and learning about God and great men in the Bible. We knew right then that we had made just as big an impact on him as he made on us.  He went on to attend Lipscomb University, and we see him often. He will be a part of our family forever, and he knows he can call us anytime, and we will help."    -Alyson W., host mom of Dung D., class of 2018, Da Nang, Vietnam