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Senior Year Interrupted

Honestly, this was nothing like the senior year I had hoped for over the past four years of high school. If you had asked me what I was expecting my senior year to be like when I was a freshman, I would have told you that it would be the best year of my life.

Jessica Costea, Lipscomb Academy senior

Jessica Costea, Lipscomb Academy Senior

Over these four years, I have been patiently waiting for the day to come when all the hard work had finally paid off, and I would get to celebrate with all of the people that made these four years special. I dreamed of Junior/Senior at Loveless Cafe, a special night where we all get dressed up one last time and dance with all of our friends. I dreamed of running down the hallways of the lower and upper school as we say our final goodbyes during the senior walk. I dreamed of the last day of school where seniors wear their oxfords, and everyone gets to sign our shirts giving us such a valuable piece of clothing at the end of the day. I dreamed of the nervous feeling I anticipated as I would be getting ready to hear my name and cross the graduation stage. I dreamed of throwing my cap into the air alongside all of my peers after the ceremony. I dreamed of my family and friends all coming together to celebrate with me over my accomplishments. I have dreamed of so many things that are inevitably not going to become a reality. 

However, during this uncertain time, God has taught me so many important life lessons. See, life isn’t always about these big moments. We live lives where we think that everything we do should be followed by a reward. Although that is nice, it's not the way that Jesus taught us to live our lives, and it's certainly not the way He lived His. I have learned that in life there will be more important things than your own personal gratification. This has been a very humbling time in my life, and I will forever be grateful for it. In the end, after drive-through senior celebrations, social-distanced cap and gown pictures, and many more contributions from Lipscomb Academy, I would still say this has been the best year of my life.