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Lipscomb Academy Head of Middle School Announced

Current assistant head of middle school Crystal Hastings, Ed.D., to transition to head of middle school effective June 1, 2021

Amanda Price

Dr. Crystal Hastings, head of middle school

Dr. Hastings has served for the past academic year as assistant head of middle school. With the announcement of Casey Farris’ departure, current head of middle school, at the end of the 2020-21 year, Lipscomb Academy looked inward to fill the vacant role. 

Dr. Hastings served as principal (2016-20) and assistant principal (2012-16) at Christiana Middle School in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Prior to serving in an administrative capacity, she taught English and journalism at Page High School (2008-12) in Franklin and at Antioch High School (1997-08) in Nashville. As an educator, Hastings committed herself to engage with students and firmly believes that teachers impact their students’ lives in extraordinary ways.

“I have witnessed how our middle school teachers have gravitated toward Dr. Hastings for academic support. She is a natural advocate for them,” stated Dr. Brad Schultz, head of school. “Dr. Hastings challenges our teachers to use best teaching practices in the classroom and provides the needed resources for them to grow professionally.” 

Hastings holds a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Education degrees from Tennessee State University. She received her Education Specialist from Middle Tennessee State University and her Doctor of Education from Tennessee State University. Additionally, she has licensure as a professional administrator (PK-12). 

“After serving this past year as assistant head, I am honored and grateful for the opportunity to serve now as head of middle school. This past year has been a delight working with Mr. Farris as he laid the foundation for a strong teacher engagement,” said Dr. Hastings. “I want to continue this legacy of excellence in Lipscomb Academy’s middle school classrooms as we move forward to the next chapter of our journey.”

Hastings and her family have been a part of the Lipscomb community since 2007. She and her husband, LaFonza, have one daughter, Prisca, soon to be a graduate with the Class of 2021.